
Here’s the most interesting part of this topic: There is a portion of the US population that believes the government can do no good. That it’s too incompetent. Yet, at the same time, they point fingers at that very same government, accusing it of hiding the evidence of aliens and alien space craft for over 80 years,

Let’s begin by stopping the addiction of overpriced, over-sized vehicles and simply getting back to making real cars.  Small and affordable.

Unnecessary to anyone sane.

Perhaps advertising it as an improvised hydrogen gas bomb would have been more accurate.

I’m shocked that Texas officials gave a shit.  After all, they’re stepping on the toes of a big corporation that thinks it has every right to access your privacy and make a buck off of it.

Jalopnik:  Why can’t we sign in with Facebook credentials anymore?  I’m in the greys if I use the old burner account.

Another Musk Mishap.

Italy, eh?

Jail time and only jail time will fix such abuses.

A convertible and agricultural-vehicle like handling don’t go together.

We have the IRA Act.  Allow it to work its magic without interference from the right.

The world of EV’s will be fine.  It’ll be US automotive corporations, which like the 1980s, will suffer again from inaction and staying rooted in the past.  Of course, US consumers/citizens will suffer as well.

And unless the report I read years ago was bogus, there’s a really high documented medical problem of kidney issues from frequent exposure to this old military jeeps. Turns out the natural frequency of the engine/chassis couples efficiently into your kidneys and rattles the hell out them.

Correct, and correct.

Everyone is complaining, but nothing is getting done to repair it.

Zero patience for this guy and his type.  Jail looks good for an attitude correction. 

Same issue.  A jump to ‘the Root’ issue. 

Who are you going to blame for the ridiculous run-up that got us to this point?

OMG.  Wait, are those exhaust ports just aft of the front wheels?  WTF

Very clean and elegant lines.  The nostrils are a little oversized.