
I use the completely free service and get about 3-6 MB down.

Um...what charges did you have?

Could you use more than 6 troops in the invasion missions then?

I'm a 28 year old guy who loves slice of life anime. I hope that doesn't make me weird...

Thank you. Now I want to watch this show just because of this scene.

Passed away in a car accident in 2010 :(

Your joke was about as funny as my love life.

Have you never listened to Drake before? This isn't some calculated depressing ballad album from a hard rapper. There's a reason they call him heartbreak drake and why there's a review which rates the songs on this album on a teardrops scale lol.

Listen to some Nujabes beats and change your whole perspective. Or continue to stay ignorant.

Her new song "Bed Peace" ft Childish Gambino is awesome. Makes me want to just stay in bed all day and listen to it.

So you have a different opinion on music. Boohoo.

I don't see how swearing has anything to do with gta anyway. When I was in middle school, all the "cool" kids used swear words a lot and none of them were gamers.

When I was a little kid, we played Mortal Kombat and Primal Rage(remember the mom who tried to get it banned?)

Some of the other phones have 1080p screens which means they're pushing almost 3 times as many pixels on screen as the iphone, and rendering graphics on screen can be one of the biggest performances hits...

Would it really still have that big of a lead?

So the newest piece of technology that just released is the fastest and most advanced? That's amazing.

They should add schoolboy Ryo Hazuki to Persona.

Too bad it has awkward traced porn art from Greg Land...

The 360 had a powerpc which is not the x86 architecture. But you're right that it was easier to develop for.

Yesss, finally time to buy a 3ds.