
Oh yeah, she was the hot girlfriend in Cloverfield!

I have to agree with fuzzy pony. Just because a homeless person has a phone doesn't mean that he has money and is taking advantage of charitable people.

Woot, Phoenix Wright is on there!

I can't believe they're even bringing the parrot!

You guys are missing out then, cuz the games are awesome.

4.5MB isn't really something to brag about.

$20 and under earphones are complete garbage. The sound quality isn't even just subpar, it's several levels below subpar.

Please point out a pair of $40 earbuds that actually sound good...

The game runs like crap even if I set things really low. Meanwhile, Skyrim looks WAAAY better and it runs silky smooth on my PC with everything on high and AA.

WoW still had me hooked from day 1 though.

Librarian by day, superhero by night?

While the GS2 does have a much better camera and potentially much better processor...the Nexus has that awesome 720p screen.

Maybe the Galaxy S2 scores much higher in benchmarks because it runs at a much lower resolution?

I have $70 Etymotic earbuds and I would consider that budget.

$150 for budget headphones?!

Maybe they mean wifi tethering.

Listen buddy, you were the one who came in here on your high horse and sure made it sound like you were offended.

So now we find out you're black...and you're crying out racism when it doesn't even involve you.

Did anyone mention yet that some workplaces ban camera phones?

I'm Asian, and I think you just need to pull that stick out of your ass.