
People never made fun of Bruce Lee for wearing those shoes...

Shut up. These are some awesome characters, even without Megaman.

Yes. I hope they include his newer costumes because his original looks silly with the big collar.

Because he's awesome. And it's a silly videogame throwing comic book characters against video game characters.

Wow, are you kidding? Captain America is one of the greatest Marvel heroes. Why do you think he's always one of the main protagonists in crossover events and other big stories?(Civil War, Ultimates)

Wait...there's such a thing as a domestic earthquake detector?

Gameloft has the same owners as Ubisoft, hence why they make all the mobile versions of ubisoft games.

Just hearing that Bomberman theme brought back memories!

When I first saw this article and the image on Engadget, I thought it was about WP7...

Really depends on the service in your area. My Mytouch 4g has done 6-8MBps on speedtests in certain places. Then again, it's also been slow in a lot of other places.

I've gotten speeds as high as 9MBps in some places. Whether it's 4g or not, I'm satisfied with it...

Hell yeah, Link's Awakening is the best Zelda ever! Suck it LTTP!

So you're close to my age. I still don't see how you could mistake it was for the SNES. The 2d graphics are above anything released on the SNES, and a tiny SNES cartridge definitely could not contain all of the game data of SoTN, which had videos and voice acting.

Wow, you thought it was for the SNES? How long have you been playing games?

Chrono Trigger is my favorite rpg ever. Here are some of my other favorites below. For some odd reason, I could never really get into the Final Fantasy games. And I've played them all and even beat some of them(9 and 10).

The android app works fine for me now.

I was riding my bike today without a helmet. I also had a water bottle in one hand, and sent a few texts to a friend with my phone on the other hand. TAKE THAT!

Downloading now!

I found an android game that's similar called Crazy contraptions. Check it out:

It's just like the Incredible Machine!