
Wow, I am considering doing this. Sounds fun.

I'd rather just buy a $10 pair of sunglasses.

I loved my DS(mostly cuz of Phoenix Wright) but wow, I think the Vita blows the 3DS out of the water.

It saddens me every time I see Sega news. Skies 2 and Shenmue 3 please :(

The most I've ever paid for a handheld game system was $150 for the DS. That's all I will say on the matter.

Because Warren was already in the 3rd movie.

The only people who make fun of smartphones are the jealous ones.

Wow, she really put on some weight...

Ah, I've seen this actor in some dramas before

Nice try but your puns felt too forced :(

Cubed player all the way!

Boo hoo. So what if the cop sees your name and address? What is he gonna do with that public domain information? Come and rob you?

I've already got a Mytouch 4g and an Iphone 3GS. I would also like to add a WP7 device to my collection lol. They should just make a Zune HD with this OS...

i've never even heard of this til now.

Gameloft has most of their games available on Android too but you can't buy them from the market. You have to go the gameloft site or get them through illegal means. Shadow Guardian is a good Uncharted clone. Ahem, you can find tons of Android games if you go to a site that has panda and app in the name.

Well, processor speed isn't the only thing that matters. What about the camera and other features?

This phone, along with every other wp7 device, still uses the first gen snapdragon processor. Mid range to high range android phones currently use the 2nd gen snapdragon processor or dual core.

Now it seems like you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. As odin already explained, Flash can easily be turned off or set to only load "On-demand." When you set it to on-demand, all flash content is replaced by an empty box with an arrow icon on it. If you want to view flash, you just click on the empty space

The arc looks nice, but it has the same processor as my mytouch 4g and less ram. I think the next logical upgrade for me would be a dual core phone like the sensation :D