
Wow defensive fanboy much?

They couldn't take the time to flip the title and address bar at the top?

Mmmmmm Olivia Wilde

The next Xbox and PS will do 1080p and Direct X 11-quality special effects, while Wii2 will finally do 720p.

Xbox 4D!

but you never ran into these guys as Leon in the original games

Edit: whoops, couldn't see my own comment so I double posted. I don't understand this comment system at all

I can't comment on the Cell processor, but I do know the PS3 uses a variant of the Geforce 7800 graphics chip which is several several generations behind PC tech. So the answer is that the PS3's full potential still doesn't compare to the high end PCs of today. In fact, people keep claiming that the 360 and PS3 are

I'll give you 2 and 3, but Crisis on Infinite Earths was terrible.

As much as I love Shenmue, the truth is that a new Sonic game would probably sell a hell of a lot more than Shenmue 3, no matter how bad it is and how good Shenmue 3 is.

But not everyone owns a 6970.

The Wii was the first console that I ever sold. What a disappointment.

A game drought on a Nintendo console?!? How shocking!

I had an old Sega Visions magazine from the early 90's that had a nice article about this. And that's how I became a big sega fanboy as a little kid.

Wow, you only just realized that?

@Daemon_Gildas: I'm assuming you're never read a Thor comic before, because some of the stories are awesome.

These days, I don't expect much from a Wii game.

I'm taking Epic's side in this. Too Human was in development since the Playstation days and they kept delaying it and changing their engine. Sk should blame themselves. It was almost as bad as Duke Nukem Forever.

@mrjoeyyaya: Yeah, I think he used the guts from an NES-on-a-chip clone, not a real NES.

I read the whole article and it still sounds like every rogue-like class to me. The video made it seem cool though.