
@surft: nope, cops shoot to kill. Aiming for small limbs is not efficient. Its risky. They aim for the large center of mass.

@willy626: I have to agree. These were all terrible.

@Vishus: Ok, then what about people whith dumbphones who don't want to pay an extra $30 a month for a data plan? Not everyone in the world can afford a smartphone.

Ah, I already use the double home button for power switcher. I don't think the two apps can be used together...

@Vishus: Like Ryan said, this is a media player to compete with the ipod touch. It's not a phone.

@Joey Hernandez: This fan-made game has much better art, physics and animation than Sonic 4. People have been complaining about the animation of Sonic 4 ever since it was announced and sega did nothing to fix. The physics just feel completely unnatural too. When you jump and let go of the direction pad in midair,

@Rampage: Or maybe because I find the game boring. Launching things from one spot? And for hundreds of levels? Shit, I might as well just play paper toss.

@lonewanderer: But those two games include 12 million or more gamers...

@Vinnie Vici: I want to totally use this meme for Angry Birds...except that it originated from Angry Birds.

Geez, 3d graphics are the DS are just terrible. I wish they had stuck to 2d graphics like Final Fantasy Tactics A2.

How bout adding battle.net too!

Sweet, I can't wait to cuddle up on my next flight! Wait, I don't have a girlfriend...

Wasn't a big fan of Angry birds when I had an ipod touch and still don't see the appeal now on my phone. I wish the big developers would support android more. I want Sonic 4!

@se7a7n7: Hmm, you just gave me an idea to cover my flash with a tiny piece of paper towel.

@Action Fitz: I know the Batman one is from blackest night, but at least he tried to merge the image with the arkham asylum cover and added some scars to batman's chest. Yours is straight up copy-paste, although I do give you props for humor.

@dracosummoner: Not really. Marvel Zombies is a real comic series. Looks like he just cut and pasted the artwork instead of compositing his own zombies like the other contestants.

I don't have cable and I don't have dvr. The internet lets me watch anything I want, whenever I want it(after I waste time searching and downloading it first though hah)

@The MSJ: The Capt has also dabbled in secret agent stuff with Shield. He can handle stealth.