
So, is this not advised for people that don’t fall into that group?

I just throw it in the washer with bleach and washing soda (high powered baking soda). Works a charm. Kaboom spray for quick cleans is the most effective I’ve found for spray cleaner - though that may be a stronger chemical than some prefer.

Magic Eraser. Keep one in the shower and rub down the tub or floor (put it under your foot) when you’re conditioning or brushing your teeth. Scrub walls when you have time. A little bit every day means no big scrub days.

I can strongly recommend the Command messenger, as well. I previously used a Tom Bihn Ristretto for my 13" MBP, but when I went to a 15", had to upgrade the bag. The Command’s been perfect for taking to work daily, flying, overnight travel. The material’s a fairly dense weave, but I put a couple coats of ScotchGuard

I can strongly recommend the Command messenger, as well. I previously used a Tom Bihn Ristretto for my 13" MBP, but

Can we infer from this that with the release of the Dot 2, we’ll be able to select a custom AlexaWakeWord?

Find me something that can stop the light bleed from the top, and I’ll be happy. Even if you put the rod as high up on the wall as possible, you’re still going to get light along the top.

Find me something that can stop the light bleed from the top, and I’ll be happy. Even if you put the rod as high up

I have pretty severe IT band pain, but also poor control with a foam roller, so I had to stop. If you have any other suggestions for relieving/resolving the problem, I’d love to hear them!

I picked up the Dot, and it’s totally worth it - even at $89. To be clear (because the site doesn’t clarify), there IS a speaker on the Dot, it just isn’t anything special. It’s enough for an alarm, and listening to music at a lower volume if you aren’t a stickler.

I picked up the Dot, and it’s totally worth it - even at $89. To be clear (because the site doesn’t clarify), there

Good timing! I’m about start negotiating for a couple of different offers. This also just came out a few days ago, and has some really good links and tips - it’s focused more for women in tech, but also useful for others.

We definitely do this. Too much stuff was being forgotten because it wasn’t visible, so we made an easily seen shelf (the 2nd) the “leftovers” shelf. Almost no wasted food, finally!

At the time it did not, but I’ve maintained my membership for years. Just got done with an iOS bootcamp, and I’m going to go back through all Treehouse tutorials to keep it fresh. Besides, one of the Treehouse offices is in my town, and I like to support local tech:)

This...all sounds very similar to 1) yogic breathing, and 2) breathing techniques developed to assist women in labor.

I’ve been researching mattress for a while now. We currently have an iComfort and I HAAAATTTTEEE it. Because I’m a stomach sleeper, the quicksand effect is really hard on the back. What are your suggestions for a stomach sleeper that’s got achy joints?

In our state, the rate is 24.3%. Even if the premiums were affordable, the copays and deductibles are still out of reach for many people.

It’s $648/month to add him to my insurance - not a feasible option. (The family of 8 in my office is covered for $723/month, which...wtf?)

You are presuming everyone has insurance, and can afford to use it. I have insurance, but my partner does not - and he’s the snorer. Side sleeping and a humidifier are the best we can do right now.

Since 90%+ of bankruptcies in America are from medical expenses, cheaper often means not being homeless.

Preheat the jar - dump in boiling water, let it sit for a few minutes, then dump it out and prep your meal. Same principle as heating your plates for dinner - a cold plate will cool your meal much faster than ambient air temp. My grandfather taught me this, as part of creating the Perfect Mug of Cocoa.

I’ve had similar experiences, but yogurt actually helps with that (for most dogs). Through some plain yogurt in the blender with Natural Balance dog food (also makes perfect training treats when chopped). Pour into these, freeze and pop into a bowl to feed.