
White people are being profiled? wat

WAAHHH WHITE MEN!! Even if the ratio is 5 mass shootings by “white men” compared to 1 terrorist attack a year, what is your point? Both are going to keep happening. People should be equally concerned about both 

dude there was a fucking terrorist attack last week. What’s your point

Eh they’re pretty close. Terrorist car rampages/bombs, shootings pop up on the news just as frequently as “gun nut” shootings, if not more. Also “fuck the trump voters for letting this happen”?? What the fuck man?

Since when does Paul do prison style pen stabbings?

you would be captivated by a fucking comma

Then maybe you should go outside of north america where the word isn’t ingrained in popular culture and white people speak different languages

citation needed

This comment is hilarious, because totally normal, not douchey at all, people call their wives “my bride” all the time Im sure.

What about karaoke

except there’s no dialogue. there’s two sides who are getting angrier at each other with each passing month. using the star spangled banner as a way to protest trump is certainly not going to help. i would say its making things worse

Then why is the article titled how men perceive rape, not consent.

Sadly the definition of white supremacist has evolved so much recently like the word racist that no one knows what the fuck they’re talking about anymore. Apparently now orthodox jews can be white supremacists too!

Who are the Nazis speaking at Berkley

“Imagine this stupid argument I just made up that no one will be making at this event”

Yeah when I think of Nazis I think of orthodox jew Trump hater Ben Shapiro who will be speaking at this event

One of the speakers is an orthodox jew...

Wait, is Ben Shapiro a white supremacist?

No you didn’t

Just acknowledge it man