
what a bargain for a game thatll never be finished and basically only exists to fill its creators pockets with cash from fools willing to pay it. its had a staggering amount of cash poured into it and over a decade of time thrown at it, if it was ever going to release it already would have, even if it did its highly

still in question? its been well over a decade now

erk, just dont let your streaming audience know that

ah Pythagoras, i remember thee well. for some reason geometry and especially this was rammed into our heads at school so hard it is never leaving, i dont think ive ever had any use for it in the past 30 odd years, if youre still alive and reading this thanks Mr Williams, it finally came in handy

havent you ever heard the classic chinese proverb “wherever you are, take a shit so they remember you” - xhi tsu ani-wah

damaged hotel property? that must have been quite the turd, no wonder the dude was twitching

i so miss old overwatch

now it goes! i was begging for this to happen mid last month in the hope itd stop me having to fl home from japan

thats always been my argument for why ill fix most things myself but not vehicles, if a pc or phone goes wrong not too much bad can really come of it, if a vehicle im in hurtling down the road at 70mph goes wrong due to my shonky repair im likely a dead man and potentially other people too

i used to get told off for doing that as a kid, thankfully i got out of the habit when i had an operation on my sinuses but i always assumed it was a myth that it could do you damage

i dont know maybe they are but in the stills on those first two you tube vids he looks like hes just about to start singing something, im not a massive dr who fan so i dont know maybe the xmas ep is full of singing bits or maybe its just how the images look

as far as im concerned the series did end on the snes

its not already? whore houses, genetic testing on humans, domestic abuse, trying not to go too spoilery for those who havent played the original but it seems sorta like it should have one, i think even the original had a bbfc 15 here if memory serves (our equivalent of M i think with 18 being R, we have U>PG>12>15>18)

yeah you wouldnt wanna be pulling that shit in your 40s i used yo bail off a skateboard dozens of times a day and i was fine to skate again next day, fell off a pushbike last year and it took me like 6 months to recover, if i remember the once old seeming to me kakashi was only 26 or something

agreed, in fact if anything its kinda on message that he does, cid is a broken man when you meet him, basically drinking and smoking himself to death while also taking it out on his wife,

jet set radiooooooooooo!

wow theres a lot of sequels in there

colour me unexcited but then i havent enjoyed a GTA game since the days its was top down

oh god no! my DNA is out in the wild! someones gonna, umm theyll.... errr wait why do i care exactly? (unless im in line for some compo of course, then its done terrible irreparable damage to my life and caused me untold anguish and suffering)

i wanted to add a gif of meatwad saying “Commence the jigglin!” just pretend i did