colour me unexcited but then i havent enjoyed a GTA game since the days its was top down
colour me unexcited but then i havent enjoyed a GTA game since the days its was top down
i wanted to add a gif of meatwad saying “Commence the jigglin!” just pretend i did
i regret paying 60 for diablo 4 itself so likely no
ive not owned many games related bits of apparel in my time, generally i avoid anything like that as they usually seem cheap and tacky but i did have one that sticks in my mind, id walked into town on a particularly hot and humid day to grab a new mouse since mine had bit the dust, i noticed they had a clearance on a…
funny given that filters often make people look like poorly rendered video game characters
ive actually been damaged far worse by an ebike crash than anything from a motorbike, my worst of 4 motorbike accidents was me coming round a corner at 55mph to be greeted by a huge pot hole, coulnt get out the way, my front wheel went in the hole and hit hard enough that it bent my forks back, i came off and slid…
oh hooray yet another reason to hate epic, not sure how i missed the news theyd been acquired
if they were gonna do crazy pricing the should probably have done it when the game was still good
holy shit! im guessing as youre pricing in cents thats america? even at the lower price that means somewhere in the US youre actually paying MORE than we are in the UK? that has historically never happened till now as far as im aware,
my brother once came across a business card for a therapist who evidently hadnt thought their name through:
sweet so this year you can give your kids a lump of coal for xmas regardless of if theyve been good or bad!
the left title image looks like a creepy 2000s video game version of zuckerberg, im curious why the pin stripes on his suit disappeared in the right image too.
nor should it feel like one as theres nothing to celebrate, they ruined it
what exactly are people expecting? the switch is ancient hardware now, most peoples phone has a more powerful chipset, the thing people seem to be griping about most is the visuals (which most switch die hards will claim are not important) and the fact that its the same price as other versions, thing is the other…
graphically looks lovely, the dub sounds awful (but then i usually hate dubs) i still wish theyd have done it in the old school turn based style for combat, while i persevered i didnt like the new system in the last one which means this is one ill more than likely just watch someone else play
ah emerald weapon i remember thee well, knights of the round, mime, mime, knights of the round, mime, mime...
yep mercy/ana/soldier/reaper should be around the same age
they sound made up because they are what with it being completely fictional and all, your problem is actually that they dont seem correct or accurate, which i do agree with, i mean i thought mercy/ana/rein/soldier/reaper at least were all supposed to be in their 50s
menus are bad but the space combat is worse, enemy ships move fast and seem to turn on a hairpin, while for you its a brutally slow turn to get a split second bead on them. for you its a real slow process of sluggish turns while the enemy glide about like graceful space ballerinas
im not sure about that, although melee weapons seem more effective for sure, the ground combat sections feel very similar in mechanic to fallout 4