
Ask around with people who have taken the class, TAs, professors and see how much the class actually uses the book(s). Often times professors will use books simply as companion readings to the lectures and in this case international edition books are fine and are better because they're much cheaper. If you find out

One thing that has helped me is making plans to do work with others. It's easy to get distracted with doing work by yourself but if you meet with people in the same class a few times a week to do the work ahead of time AND you guys are able to stay reasonably on-task, then having a study group helps to motivate you to

This is the big problem with the gaming industry today. The decision makers are businessmen rather than engineers. They are willing to strip every feature as long as it makes piracy slightly harder. A true engineer on the other hand would prioritize things like availability and release mod tools to increase the

Quite simply, the best comment.

Understanding how magnetic fields work more easily would be one big thing.

Yes I often purchase cheap games on Steam when they are on sale, sometimes games that I havn't even tested at all. Like Poker Night at the Inventory. But to pay $40-60 for a game requires me to test it first. I'm neither a moron nor filthy rich.

You need not defend the companies, I am sure they have enough lobbyists and fanboys doing their job already. As I see it, companies lose no money if I pirate something that I would never buy anyway. I buy good games and will continue doing so. Some of the best games in my collection (e.g the games that I still play

"Same with music. If you don't like the price, don't buy it".

"Pirating is stealing". What a silly play with words. Let me give it a shot: "Swearing is rape". "Tax-evasion is murder".

I have seen a lot of bad analogies being made to make Sony look like a victim.

Is the article here just because he played video games? I really can't see any obvious relevancy here...

The criticism towards the hackers is really unfair. Don't forget that Sony is one of the major electronic companies world-wide, they earn shit-tons of money, even after removing features(!) and there isn't even the slightest uproar, just a few internet petitions.

@Hagame: I find your logic a bit flawed. If Sony truly removed features because they could be misused, why were they implemented and openly advertised them begin with? Sony's smear tactics against "hackers" is as dirty as it gets. You will gain nothing from defending Sony, you may actually end up losing more features

As others have already pointed out, it is an issue of game balance. Complain to the developers, not to the people who paid for the game and are free to do what they want as long as they obey the server rules.

Why are some of you musicians so pissed off at Guitar Hero? Are you afraid that its fanbase might attract more chicks? Seriously, since when is Guitar Hero about making music? There are no strings, so why the attitude?

While not really an app, don't forget the 10's of free Sesame street Podcasts that also buy some quiet time. The one with Heidi Klum is my fav.

@SystemMonitor: I would greatly appreciate one for fredluchsinger (at)gmail .. thanks in advance!