
Heh, nor had I. I just figured that a hypothetical doubling of transistors would mean a hypothetical doubling of the number of operations that could be performed. I guess, not surprisingly, that it's more complicated than that, especially since these are all empirical rules.

Cool link. I wish he had made a chart for total energy provided above different voltage thresholds, since he already recognizes this as a pitfall.

In 2013, the xbox 360 will be 8 years old. If we take the performance version of Moore's law (performance doubles every two years, as opposed to the density version that he articulated), that would predict that a new xbox in 2013 would be 16x as powerful as one in 2005. So while 6x sounds like a major advance, it

Yeah, that much. It's to the point where it's cheaper to get oysters in restaurants during happy hour ($1/each) than it is to buy them at the fish market and DIY at home.

I guess I'd never thought too much about it. I think it was the first-hand commentary that made this one stand out, for whatever reason.

He'll be called Nokia pretty soon.

How did you come across this thing? Was it a freebie they sent you unsolicited? Not trying to imply bias, just curious about the context.

For other techniques, including those that might work better with...nonstandard oysters, and more than you ever wanted to read about practical oyster shucking, see this site: [www.oysters.us]

And for the love of god use a torque wrench (and make sure they're not crossthreaded). A torque wrench prevents stripped threads and spark plugs shooting through your hood, both of which make the car very difficult to drive.

Quothe the article, "Unless your car starts smoking or stalls completely head over to an auto parts store and have them run a diagnostic to find the cause of the check engine light."

Most oyster knives, including the one he's using, are pretty dull (like, butter knife dull). Also, he's using the paring technique where you hold the knife stationary and move the food against the knife (you'll notice that he's also steadying his knife hand with his left hand). This minimizes any risk of the knife

Sticking your bivalves in the freezer for a little while (maybe 30 minutes?) will help them relax a bit, which is helpful when trying to get enough clearance to slice along to the top shell. Also, if you mess up the top of the oyster while cutting the muscle, you can flip it over when you're done shucking to improve

Have you checked to make sure the ventilation ducts aren't clogged and that the fan (if present) is working?

Does your grill pan have a lid? How do you contain the...more kinetic kernels?

Tangentially related: splatter screens make great lids for popcorn popping. They let the steam out, keep the popcorn in, and allow you to see the action.

You pop popcorn in a pressure cooker!?! How fast do you need it to be?

Someone chime in if I'm wrong, but isn't prosciutto unsmoked? Bacon's appeal is not just the pork, but also the smoke. I'd think prosciutto would be a good substitute for an unsmoked pork product like pancetta, but it'll be noticeably different than bacon. I'd probably choose diced smoked ham (usually very lean) as

Unlikely: "It is important that the commonly used cheese starters P. camemberti and P. roqueforti neither are penicillin producers nor possess the penicillin biosynthetic genes, which implies that they do not represent a risk regarding the problem of the presence of penicillin in food."