
argh i needed this today! i could smell the onion-y thing from across the kitchen. dishwasher didn’t work too good for me but i’ll try sun-drying next.

Also let’s see what he said about Obama back in the day.

Agreed. Although it does seem like there are hallmarks of malnutrition including real skinny arms with a head too big for the body and possibly thinning hair. It’s amazing the human body can withstand and survive treatment like this though.

I agree with you fwiw, but I think it might be partially because the author (Aimee) implied it was a dig? When I read that, I was like, what no it was an example.

yikes who ungreyed this person

goddammit Susan

Black bloc is actually a tactic, not a group, though it seems people identify black bloc practitioners as a particularly anarchic/property destroying organization. Antifa folks adopt black bloc organization principles but antifa ppl themselves have varying political leanings/analyses that of course trend towards far

Here in Oregon, in addition to some chapters of Redneck Revolt, we have the Rural Organizing Project that aims to organize marginalized mostly-white communities (former logging/canning/farming towns) to combat KKK ideology. White folks gotta collect other white folks so if you’re looking to be an active anti-racist,

Aw thanks boo! Yep, it’s a good one, as expected!

LOVE. The insta video is so great.

LOVE. The insta video is so great.

I love this so so so so so so much. >_<

Yep the bananas @ soccer players thing (someone linked it) plus what that tennis dude said about Serena Williams it’s a huge, publicized problem...

I love how much he loves J. Roberts. so funny.

I interpreted it as Jane telling the LW to be less defensive, since the LW kept bringing it up as a defense to Morgan’s bitching. She has the degree, she should be proud and nothing can take that away. Of course Morgan sucks (and the parents? honestly not sure what exactly the dynamic is here) but her degree is kind

How disturbing. As is their propensity for intimate partner violence (that’s never reported, natch).

Just FYI: “November, 19, 1911" in the second paragraph should be 2011.

People’s gun rights are always more important than people’s actual lives. :/

My most sincere apologies to MP. I have no concept of delineating gifs from memes from photos. Also, Trump’s mouth. Gross.

Oh I like them too! I just think it’s hard to get a commitment from a writer.