
Vote by mail has its own issues, primarily the fact that you have to update your address or otherwise locate a ballot last-minute. People without permanent addresses or that are renting are somewhat disenfranchised. However, you have at least 14 days (maybe longer) to figure it out between the time the ballots are

But it’s about “awareness”! Not attention. I swear.


Oh yeah, I was merely replying to OP, I don’t think it’s strange. I actually work at a university so...a REAL campus lol.

Great point! I think the “waiting til marriage” message (because it’s like sex is the ultimate/only thing you share with your spouse) really upholds that standard and leads to a lot of disappointment and shame.

Lol there’s way weirder stuff they do, like you can’t say the “f” word which is “fashion” cuz its a SPORTS company. It’s a bit cultish but most Oregonians know someone who works there and loves it :)

Does that one tweet imply it’s way WORSE than the other stuff? I honestly couldn’t read the tone.

Omg a reasonable take on Deadspin re: NCAA? *clutches pearls*

The $500 rollover is helpful. I only put in $500 total this year and am experimenting with how I use it and how much will actually roll over. The FSA for childcare at my work, on the other hand, is way less “flexible” and freaks me out.

Didn’t love Hunger (primarily the last half), but adored Bad Feminist and all her various published essays.

Okay so I keep watching YouTube tutorials on this and I feel like the jury is still out? You may have convinced me though...I love the idea of not disposing so much product.

Yep. I’ve definitely considered the implications of how their race/status affected how things went down, but it pretty much seems like they did it...and it’s so profoundly stupid that it’s incredible they were only benched!

Indefinite suspension is pretty reasonable given the gravity of their (alleged?) transgressions. I worked in collegiate compliance and trust me, UCLA was doing what they could to let the kids earn their way back onto the team without completely ignoring how seriously they fucked up.

Lol same problem when I lived in China. Though I always wondered where all the older Chinese ladies got their bras cuz some of them were stacked too...

Except Disneyland lol

I always appreciated the way Baldwin demanded that white people’s racism be seen as an illness that is eating away at white people’s humanity, while simultaneously oppressing anyone not protected by whiteness. It is a way of holding white people accountable that is both profound and yet, so simple.

It made me shiver.

Some vibes like Jenna Marbles in “How to trick people into thinking you’re good-looking” from like 2008.

I agree with you generally. But, we can’t speak for whether the victims feel they’ve received justice. That’s for them to decide. I hope that Jenny gets everything she needs emotionally/spiritually to feel at peace. Fuck Russell Simmons.

And I think some of that power trip comes from feeling like, if you can get it anywhere, then WHY won’t THIS PERSON do my bidding? Hence preying on those who’ve rejected you or are not caught up in your celebrity/power/money.