Do you have good woman-identified friends that you could work through this with? Like, close enough that you wouldn’t be burdening them with your shit and they could speak freely (criticize) you?
Do you have good woman-identified friends that you could work through this with? Like, close enough that you wouldn’t be burdening them with your shit and they could speak freely (criticize) you?
Your last suggestion is a given, as is your healthy self-reflection and perhaps a willingness to “spread the word.” Our society probably needs a reckoning with regards to restorative justice and community healing, which would allow us to be accountable to one another for the harms we cause and move forward…
I am also a woman in the sports industry (albeit college so more equitable in many ways) and this is such a beautiful piece that really delves into the complexity of sexual agency, consent, and patriarchy. Thank you!
Your second paragraph. On point.
The definition you provided here is a working definition among many folks (esp. here in the comments) but The Root writers often avoid the definition or utilize its concepts more generally. I believe it is because they want to avoid the corollary that often accompanies the definition, which provides that POC cannot be…
THE MOST beautiful day. #professional
If, indeed, cheating is inevitable, your response is very reasonable. Even if it’s not as prolific, it’s about you, your relationships, and your safety/emotional well-being, not other people’s perceptions. Do you.
That’s interesting because the “fixer” mentality is generally ascribed to women!
someone send him that Henry Gates Root article from the other day
I think Tom Ley is cute lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
esp if you’re in rural-ish areas. i live in OR and literally everyone has purchased pups from a litter bred by random folks in SW rural Washington.
I think OP is talking about the Hunger Games books, which to me got worse as they went on. But you are 100% correct re: The Hobbit movies.
Bates disagrees: “When you take an oath, your oath is to protect all of the people. If the police have done wrong, you should prosecute them without a doubt. You’re not going to prosecute someone because they are a black man that lives in a rough neighborhood, and you’re not going to prosecute a police officer just…
It’s amazing, really—men constantly place the burden of not being raped on women and then react negatively to measures women take to do just that if they seem extreme. But the thing is—just like a healthy mistrust of any group wielding institutional power—the “extremes” we go to are still not sufficient.
My friend was followed off a bus to her door and she had to slam it on him. So fucking scary. I only exit off the front so the driver sees me if it’s late at night.
this is wondrous.
the word clouds for white women & men reminded me why i hated OkCupid. yikes.
Yeah, I guess I definitely LEARNED something but it fucking sucked. Also it was his parents really making the decision so that was unfortunate like it wasn’t US having the conversation.