Still not voting for Hillary.
Still not voting for Hillary.
Growing up in the Seattle area, we were pretty much taught this straight out of the womb.
To appeal to independent and center right Republican voters in the general. Just watch, it'll happen.
As soon as she’s nominated though she’ll almost certainly tack right pretty hard.
The career politician part is less of a sticking point. I think I'm using it as a term indicative of an undercurrent of cynicism towards established political figures. I realize Hillary has lots of experience in government, but she represents the status quo, particularly economically, which is important to a…
Honest question because I see a lot of real vitriol here about sexism: I am a man. I also consider myself a socialist, and have for many years. I also consider myself a feminist or feminist ally, whichever term is preferred now. I cannot, however, vote for Clinton. She is essentially a center right capitalist career…
Makes sense. When I was in the Navy and routinely working 20+ hour days, for weeks on end (underway), I would just shovel food in my mouth constantly. Being awake and moving all that time tended to just burn all that energy though.
I mean, the word is objectively a cruel and terrible place that we've all been cursed to inhabit, but I think most people in the comments here are more Team Dog in this situation. I know I’d ease the poor pup’s pain with some cuddles.
You know this dog is a sweetheart though. Come on.
I’m a man and I look like the Le Concave photo. My mom makes fun of me and women ask how my pants stay up (it’s fucking hard even with a belt). Damn you, genetics.
That’s what I mean though; for those of us who have been self-described progressives and leftists for a long time, simply supporting socially progressive issues like marriage equality, a woman’s autonomy over her body, etc. just isn’t enough to be an actual progressive. The economics are the meat of being a…
I think that the tendency to dismiss all criticism of Clinton as mysoginist is extremely problematic, especially if you call yourself a progressive or a leftist. Does anyone here really think she won’t tack hard to the right after she gets the nomination? Not to mention she’s already well to the right of any kind of…
I’d be all about voting for Warren as our first female president. Shit, run her and make Bernie the VP. But I can’t hold my nose and vote for Hilliary. I don’t give a shit if I contribute to a Cruz/Rubio presidency, I’ll vote Green or Socialist if she’s the nominee. I’m not buying into any of this “pragmatic…
Unfortunately, Tom, I think your writing will go unappreciated here.
My Discover Weekly is amazing. It's possibly my favorite thing about Spotify. It consistently recommends me new music that I end up loving.
My youngest brother played football in junior high and high school, and had I believe four or five documented concussions before our parents pulled him out (much to his dismay). He’s 22 now and I worry about his future health. Not that my drugs, alcohol, and cigarette riddled youth likely treated my body any better…
Nah I grew up in a rural area where this was common. Some bubba couldn't make payments any more, so he sunk it and claimed it stolen. People used to find them all the time when I was a kid. Can't really prove it, but the cops know what they're looking at.
This is in no way meant to justify this crime or be culturally insensitive, but man. I dated a Korean-American woman once, and the stories she told about the way her mother treated her as a child were chilling. Basically just like this article describes. I asked once why she soldiered on through it, and how she could…
Fuck all this political pragmatism. We can’t have single payer because “it’s too hard” and “republicans won’t let us?” This is one of those issues that’s extremely important and shouldn’t be sidelined in favor of winning a general election with a lukewarm candidate like Hil. I’d rather watch it all burn down under the…
I’m one of those that doesn’t get a real lunch break. We’re all expected to eat at our desks, and there isn't even a cafeteria or seating area on campus to go to if you wanted. Maybe your car, but that's depressing. Your lunch also isn't paid, but even if you eat at your desk and work through those 30 minutes you…