El Zilcho

They got rid of "cassette player?" Then what am I supposed to play my cassingles on, a tape deck?

I'm gonna have to give a few handjobs to some dwarves by the docks to save up for this album.

I still really like 69 Love Songs, but I tend to be happier to let the songs from it come up in shuffle, rather than listening to it in one sitting.

Guy's a pro!

My AMC HD is also terrible. In fact, sometimes I think it's worse than the standard def, because the little screen jigger before the picture comes in clear is distracting.

Yeah, the gay street toughs are perfect. Great characters!

No no no. Like Likes look like hamburgers.

The second one. That was the worst Austin Powers.

My co-favorites are probably Civilization II and Chrono Trigger.

God damn, Ninja Gaiden. I think I made it to the last guy ONCE and couldn't beat him.

Tecmo Bo is the greatest video football player of all time.

I never played it all that much. I had bought it for my brother while I was off at college, and of course the N64 was at home. I do remember having a hell of a time with it, though. I'm not even sure I could beat the first level.

My Mass Effect 2 disc won't read! So I'm about halfway through my second playthrough of ME2 until I replace it.

Oooh, good catch.

Yeah, he definitely excused himself to the bathroom to go jerk off.

"I must break you." - Khal Drago

Have they taken chemistry on Community yet? Can Bryan Cranston be their chemistry professor?

Yes, he was Victor Maitland's number two guy in Beverly Hills Cop.

I'm on FIOS, but just TV and internet. And we don't have premium channels like HBO or anything, but I think we pay about $100/month.

People wrote books and movies, movies that had stories so you cared whose ass it was and why it was farting, and I believe that time can come again!