El Zilcho

How about Dual Survival, with the ex-military guy and the hippie guy? I usually don't defend filthy hippies, but it bugs me how inept they always make him seem compared to the military guy.


I've only read the first book (finished it yesterday, and the next two don't arrive from Amazon until NEXT THURSDAY when I'll be in Chicago! I'll have to wait until a week from TUESDAY to start!), but Daenerys chapters tend to be some of my favorites, along with Tyrion and Arya chapters.

Yeah, that clip was painful.

It's probably my favorite horror movie of the last ten years or so (no, scratch that. I forgot about DRAG ME TO HELL.), but I think I would have liked the movie more had it not been horror. The gore parts really turn me off of the movie, because I'm not big on gore (though the scene with the kids and the broken glass

"Just two adults, gettin' their stew on" is the best Carl Weathers line.

Yeah, I saw all of season 1 and 2 as they aired, but season 3 seemed to be moved around a lot, and I didn't catch up with it until DVD.

I liked him on Andy Barker, P.I., but that was a very Buster-like role.

We have unlimited juice? This party's gonna be off the hook!

My reaction was a audible gasp and a "holy shit!" Only then did I start laughing.

I thought the first half of "Bully" was hilarious.

Be sure to apply your… Vagiteen?

I think FX shows usually go up on Hulu with a 10 day lag. So last week's LOUIE should go up this weekend, I think.

A "gun guy." That really was fantastic.

@Bender: I've been trying to get my roommate to watch LOUIE, but the first couple episodes have NOT helped me to win converts. They're great, but not a good introduction. I think it helps to watch the first season to ease into Louis' wavelength. And also to show that this show IS a comedy, and there are episodes that

1991 El Zilcho would like to point out that a prime Kathy Ireland was in this and you are wrong and are probably a poopyhead.

Oh my gosh she is Kid Rock's sister. That's terrible. Imagine having to invite Kid Rock to your wedding.

Yeah, it's a great little arc. I love George Sr.'s second job as a television huckster, between the Cornballer and Caged Wisdom.

That's such a dad thing to do.

"Jessie had gone too far, and had best watch her mouth."