El Zilcho

Maybe she'll play it like a privileged tween, like how she played Escapade on PARTY DOWN.

She still has to buy a major Boston sports team, preferably the Patriots or Celtics, to really be doing what I'd do if I was super rich.

Is he? He's on Game of Thrones, too. Guy gets around.

I still feel like Leslie's affection for Ben is a little forced. It feels a lot more natural coming from Ben's side. I'm warming to it, but I don't quite buy it yet.

They need to give the A.C. Newman song to another show.

I think those bits are improvised? They just have the actor rant off a whole bunch of outlandish lines and cut the best ones together. Always fantastic.

Um, so a major character gets offed in Season 3. Who's the analogue on Parks?

Any episode where a large chunk takes place at the Snakehole is golden. Now that Tom has sold his stake, will we still be visiting that fine establishment?

Oh, god, I nearly fell out of my chair when Andy sprung up, got a little woozy, shook it off, started running, and barfed. Fantastic moment.

Morton salt really is a superior salt. It has a very consistent volume to weight ratio, more so than many other salts.

Good morning everybody! I brought burgers and fries! The protein soaks up the sugars.

Well, it's no worse.

They already made a movie about an unconventional slacker winding up at the top of a major corporation
It was called CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. Carrot Top was in it. It wasn't very good.

Yeah, but I'd say DS9 had a rougher start than TNG ended. It's a bit of a toss-up.

Ah, so it IS the only episode of Family Ties that I remember. I remember the stupid black set.

I haven't seen the movie, but I can totally imagine that jazz voice. I hope it's as good as it is in my head.

The dark side has taken young Skywalker. Only hate looms in his heart now. Hate and anger.

Pink hair girl is kind of cute
Too bad she's a complete moron. I'd bet most of the bands she listens to, or wants people to think she listens to, would cite The Beatles as an influence or one could trace them back to The Beatles somehow.

I hope the penis resemblance is intentional.

This Old House