El Zilcho

How does Biden have time to crack down on pirates?
Shouldn't he off protecting the space-time continuum?

As I understand it, the reason most TV shows from earlier eras on DVD don't have the original music is because the studios didn't predict that there would be a market to sell complete seasons directly. Now when they're negotiating their music deals with the publishers when making a show, they make sure to negotiate

I'm firmly on Team Cake, as well.

Why isn't there a reality show called something like "Pit Master," where you get a whole bunch of barbecue people to make barbecue.

But Boston Cream Pie is technically a cake!

Not anymore. Not anymore.

I certainly haven't. That was unlike anything I've ever seen.

Nothing was better than Louie smiling at his date on the subway.

Who do you think Mundo is supposed to be?

Alright, i'm in!
Let's do this. Let's see Douchey Ted (played by Bob Saget) get devoured by hideous mutants.

Fry is such a putz.

Zapp's increasingly absurd explanation of his plot saved that second episode.

Yeah, Bender didn't have much to do. That said, I think an episode requiring him to constantly be dancing is one of the greatest ideas Futurama ever had. I giggled whenever he was dancing in the background of a scene. Especially at Leela's funeral and they were all standing solemnly as silhouettes. Except Bender, who

George's Ring Dings and Pepsi rant is fantastic.

Why? Why must I spend eternity in this Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Handbook?

Riker's finest moment.

In my experience, boxes are usually empty. Or maybe with a little cheese stuck to the top? And one time, pepperoni! Oh, what a day that was!

Can I get a DAY-UM?

A+, "Jacqueline." I want more cuisine to remind me of trying to eat food on the beach.

I think I've done pretty good with most vegetables. I can't really remember a time when I hated them as a kid. Sure, there are ones I don't like, but I think I get enough variety in my diet.