El Zilcho

"All Summer Long" is terrible. It just pisses all over "Sweet Home Alabama" and "Werewolves of London."


First R-rated movie: 6-ish (PREDATOR)

Leaving Las Vegas also was rated R.

Alex Cox looks like a grown-up Alfred E. Neuman.

That fuckin' Johnny Cage, always punching people in the balls.

What, I only get one jean? So it's 60 bucks for a pair? RIPOFF.

Trust, maybe? It was on Netflix Instant Watch, and Tobias did a New Cult Canon article about it a while back.

If anybody has an interest in games that break down the tropes of Japanese RPGs, Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden should be played by them.

Yeah, but Sunglasses is so right. Gogol Bordello is awesome. I wish I could see them in Boston tomorrow.

You're assuming I have friends, John Teti.

Yeah, this is one of my favorite columns on the site. I'd comment more, but I read the article at work, but play them at home. And I don't have much to comment on until I've played.

You're also screwed if you pick a black guy in Guess Who.

Did Alexander and Lwaxana go nude hot tubbing in their episode? That episode is such an abomination.

Lwaxana episodes are by far my least favorite. Well, except for the one where Beverly meets the ghost.

"The Royale" is great for the sole reason that Riker says "when the train comes in, everybody rides!"

Bill Murray
I like his late-period work, and it's nice to see some of the critical acclaim he's gotten, but I'd like to see him bust out one more classic-Murray performance.

The A-Team had a chick. She was useless. The A-Team wrecked her Le Car in one episode.

"Blacgyver" sounds like a Family Guy joke.

Yeah, me too. It looked fun, and had splosions.