El Zilcho

Yeah, if Desmond was actually on the plane, it's because his whole life is radically different.

I'm really interested in seeing the Jack and Locke are buddies dynamic in the alternate timeline. As a sidenote, I can already tell that Terry O'Quinn is going to absolutely bring it this season, between playing Locke and The Dark Entity (c'mon, writers, give us a name!).

I added Big Fan to my Netflix Instant Queue yesterday. Excited to watch it.

I think they have to be released domestically, unless they are a foreign language film. In which case they're eligible for Best Foreign Language Film, but need to be submitted by their country of origin.

I'd be find with a Basterds win. I'd prefer Hurt Locker, but I can live with Basterds.

Yeah, I really liked the end of District 9. So what if it changed gears a little. FUCKING GIANT ROBO SUITS AND ALIENS!

Nah, Avatar's been going in with a head of steam. I'd say The Blind Side would have been in, but probably replacing Basterds or Hurt Locker. Those two came out too early in the year.

Yeah, I thought the whole reason they made an animation category was to keep animated films out of best picture.

I can never remember the difference between sound mixing and sound editing. I guess I'm just not a sound guy.

While I don't really think either should win, I think it's cool that both Avatar and District 9 were nominated for best picture. Nice to see sci-fi get some respect.

Make 7

Is there a movie called Warfighter yet? Can we make it?

I'd like to see a crime scene reenactment narrated by John Madden.

I do like the beam cannon. That's been my heavy weapon of choice since I got it.

And they said there was going to be a ton of DLC for Mass Effect 1. Never really materialized.

I'd lump Bethesda in that group that pretty much always puts out a quality product.

I'd wait until it dies. Usually the red ring will come on right when you turn it on. Mine died last year. Microsoft is actually pretty quick about turning them around. I think I was without mine for about 2 weeks after I sent it in. Just be sure to keep your hard drive, it'll work with the replacement Xbox they send

Space Hamster was the first thing I bought on the Citadel.

Yeah, I was thinking last night about how dumb it is that Bioware has to shove a romance angle in every game.

Sounds like I need to use the Cain. I didn't have the ammo for it when I first brought it along with me.