El Zilcho

I don't have HBO, otherwise Curb could be a contender.

Sorry to hear that, Keith. It's hard to lose one's father, I'll tell ya that.

Guild of CALAMITOUS Intent. And I think that's about it, so far. Unless you count Conjectural Technologies.

Lucy and Frisky Dingo were real good, I thought.

Well, they're OSI. I think they were just dealing with the aftermath of the huge battle.

No sir, Porkchop. I believe that was our good friend Holy Diver (unless he's changed his name again). Where's Mile High/Sky Pilot?

Yeah, they had been putting them up at 6 pm on Fridays. I'd like them to do it again, because 12 is pretty late for me.

Hells yeah, Pierce. As I said below, this is my first buy once my XBox gets back.

Fat, bearded Brock was a hilarious sight.

I really can't wait to watch it again. I'm gonna have to get it on Adult Swim Fix!

I'm telling you, Duck Phillips would like nothing more than to undress Don with his teeth.

Burn Notice is one of the contenders for my 5th slot. Fringe had been, but it's slacked a little lately.

Yeah, I'm very glad they got rid of her regular appearances as "zany characters."

Paul Giamatti as Pete

James Woods wasn't "himself" on Clerk, he was (Military Rank I Can't Remember) Baklava. But he was pretty much just James Woods.

Aw, man, I love Escape to the House of Mummies, Pt. 2.

It's because they're all writers, and that's just something that happens to writers.

Yeah, she wanted to make sure it seemed like THEIR idea, not HER idea. Peggy isn't petty when it comes to work, she'll give credit where it is due. And I think Paul realizes he wouldn't have done the same in her situation.

First you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me. Blow.

I KNOW! And they're just going to drag it out another few weeks, I'll bet.