El Zilcho

Dollhouse is done. Dead. D-E-D, dead.

Yeah, I'm glad it's coming back. It found its footing a few episodes in, and a couple of them have really blown me away. I'm looking forward to what they do in S2.

Don't give the natives fancy heaters?

Agreed, Herc. If there's one thing I'm willing to overlook in Star Wars, it's the science.

Just avoid most of seasons 1 and 2 of TNG. There are some painfully bad episodes there.

Best joke of the night
Strawberry Coors. A regular Coors that's sipped through a Twizzler.

Where the heck are the going to fit all these shows?
With Jay on every night at 10, they have far fewer hours of programming to fill. Are good shows going to get the axe? (Yes.)

AV Club can't be totally behind Star Trek. Judd Apatow didn't give it a rewrite.

I'm glad someone caught this. C'mon AV Club, get on your game!

And First Contact. Even if you don't really like Trek, it's a slam-bang action movie.

There should have been a Burgess Meredith episode of Star Trek. And a Cesar Romero. All the Batman villains should have been on Trek!

Maybe the writing in First Contact leaves a little something to be desired. But it doesn't matter, because Patrick Stewart is so good. A buddy of mine has a theory that Patrick Stewart usually acted below his level on TNG, just so he wouldn't overshadow the rest of the cast. But every few episodes, he'd just let

Frank Gorshin is awesome in that episode.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how good Bob Odenkirk has been so far. Like a lot of people, I didn't know if he could tone it down right to fit with the show, but he has. Saul's going to be the reason that Walt and Jesse get to the next level.

TGI Friday's?

How long until some Mexican band writes "The Ballad of Skinny Pete," about a low-level drug dealer who went to find his boss, only to endlessly wander the desert?

Yeah, I'll check out anything with Bruce.

David Schwimmer gets no pass from me.

Yeah, Connery can do anything. He was the best Bond. BOND! Anybody that cool gets a pass.

No matter how weird Andre gets, Outkast is gonna always be awesome. Even after Idlewild.