El Zilcho

Richard is one of the more interesting mysteries to me, too. I particularly want to know why he's always #2. Widmore was the leader, then Ben, and then Locke. But Richard was always the second in command to those guys. Why?

I made the videogame joke too last night. If there's anything I've learned, it's to shoot barrels to kill a bunch of dudes.

Yeah, Biden is super. He's a crazy old coot. He's not hurting anybody by being there, he's just along for the ride.

Five low? Too slow!

I'd say most of us are people like me. People slacking off at work. I just happen to be a student on the side.

Aw, man, I wish I could find the time to read for pleasure
Can we make the next selection "Principles of Operations Management?"

You had me at KISS.

Nah, but Jabber has a point. I've met people who say they have Asperger's, or autism. Then, when asked when they were diagnosed, they'll say they read about it online. Yes, there are plenty of people who are autistic, and do have Asperger's. But there are also a lot of people who just claim to have it, for no good

I also saw Castle for the first time last night. It was much better than I expected.

I went to a Spin Doctors concert just so I could see The Presidents of the United States of America open for them. But we got stuck in traffic and only saw PUSA's last song. We promptly left, because Spin Doctors suck.

I haven't seen every episode, but I liked the one where he became an honorary black man.

If I wreck my car, I want Werner Herzog to pull me from the wreckage.

I figured that line was supposed to be funny on purpose, but now I'm thinking that Miller actually believes it.

Having a giant Kevin Sorbo statue would be pretty great. A lot classier than a cardboard cutout of Darth Vader.

Don't wuss out and eat something delicious. We want to see you squirm.

It sounds like it has a lot of titties, though.

Aw, man. Remind me not to buy a Five Flavor roll, then. Green was the best.

American Dad Vol. 4?
American Dad has been on long enough to demand 4 volumes? Wow.

One of the local radio stations was promoting a screening of X-Men Origins: Wolverine this morning, and they were using the theme music for the X-Men cartoon as the backing track.

When I hear Rip Torn's name, I think of Rip Torn. When I hear Rip Taylor's name, first I think of Rip Torn, then my brain corrects itself.