El Zilcho

Yeah, I missed this interview when it first came around. But that was really interesting. Nothin' better than a couple of crazy old coots just talkin'.


I think that Dune is an excellent place to start reading sci-fi. It's got some good political intrigue, and a space-y setting, and it's a rollicking adventure to boot.

Yeah, even Fox News was like "what the hell was that?" They know they're screwed.

The Hundred Hand Slap.

You were doing well until everyone died.

I found my copy of the DaVinci Code on the sidewalk in Boston on St. Patrick's Day a few years ago. I probably stole it from a hobo, but I was pretty drunk at the time and wasn't really thinking.

What an odd show. There was no point to it other than whipping pies at people and making them go down slides of pies. Or a roller coaster of pie.

Hey, did anybody mention that Billy Corgan recorded all of Iha's guitar parts yet?
Yeah? Ok, just checking.

I'd say Elephant is the Stripes' best album, but I'm not sure it'd be my favorite. I really liked Get Behind Me Satan, and De Stijl just rocks so hard.

Replace Smokin' Aces with Shoot 'Em Up, and you're all set.

I just hope Crank 2 is better than Crank, like Transporter 2 was better than The Transporter.

Domino is half a good movie. I really liked the first half of the movie, but hated the second half. Even if that second half did have Tom Waits.

I must've missed that part. Maybe they edited it out of the cable version?

The Flaming Lips definitely got better with time, but they still peaked about 10 years ago with The Soft Bulletin. That's not to say the new stuff isn't good, just not as good as that (although, I guess there've only been two albums since that oneā€¦ c'mon Lips, release something new!).

He'd just end up performing seppugu or buggage.

I had a Whatchamacallit a few months back and didn't care for it
But a Thingamajig sounds right up my alley. Who has the scoop as to where I can get it?

I'd rather see them make new episodes rather than more of these movies. The half-hour style seems to suit them a lot better.

I've only seen the first one, Bender's Big Score (which is a travesty, considering my avatar). I largely enjoyed it, though it did tend to drag in points. I should watch the others, out of obligation if nothing else.

I can't wait for new Breaking Bad. It really amped up in the second half of it's short season; I'm hoping it can keep that momentum going.