El Zilcho

I always called it Led Zeppelin's untitled fourth album. But that's really unwieldy.

Violent Femmes' "Violent Femmes." I think every high school kid can relate to that album.

Yeah, it was nu-metal.

Middle school was terrible. High school was worse; I realized how truly bad it was when I was in college and everyone I knew seemed to have gotten a better education than me. Hell, at least they got to take AP courses; ours were cut. College, well I didn't really enjoy that either. That had a lot to do with the…

I took the MCAS in high school, but I graduated before it was a requirement. Thankfully.

Ellie, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact the film isn't taught in most high schools. Really, the only movies we watched were film versions of what we had read. I think it would be great if more schools used film in teaching, but I can't really speak to what the curriculum should be.

The comics page is so bad nowadays. I just cannot sit there, open the paper, and read Beetle Bailey, Hagar the Horrible, Cathy, Hi & Lois, and all that other crap.

We read one Shakespeare play a year. Romeo & Juliet in freshman year, A Midsummer's Night's Dream sophomore, Macbeth junior year, and Hamlet senior year.

I read Of Mice and Men in elementary school. I was a precocious scamp. But, though I could read it, I definitely didn't understand it.

I had to secretly watch Pulp Fiction in high school. My parents were generally pretty lenient about what I watched, but they wouldn't let me watch that.

I'm going to refrain from embarrassing myself by stating what I was listening to in high school. Let's just say that it's probably one of the worst forms of music to ever exist, and I am forever ashamed to have enjoyed it at one point.

I also watched the Playboy-produced, Roman Polanski-directed Macbeth in high school. Yay nudes!

No, it was because our required reading lists in high school were godawful. We had crap like John Grisham on them for crying out loud.

Double yes!

Ken Burns' Civil War is terrible because we spent the second two quarters of sophomore US History just watching that, the same parts over and over again. I didn't learn a damned thing in that class.

3 to 10 are pretty much all awesome. Yeah, you hit some speedbumps along the way in a couple of the later seasons, but they're for the most part stellar.

I loved Catcher in the Rye. Definitely the best book that I was forced to read in high school. The Great Gatsby rated second.

Yep, Madea is gonna ride that sassy black lady wave to box office glory.

Is that John Michael Higgins I spy in the banner for Still Waiting…?

What happened to Matt Lillard? Is he living off all that sweet Shaggy money?