El Zilcho

It looked like Ms. Hawking was plotting the position of the island not just through time, but though space. It's moving around.

Well, I heat up Hot Pockets all the time without a plate, but that's because of the crisping sleeve. Hurley must like soggy Hot Pockets.

The butcher is definitely an Other. Not was, is. We've seen them off the island before, we know that Mr. Friendly came and went until he died.

I better start loading my knives with the points up, just in case I have to defend myself.

I didn't see any logos, just names.

Ok, so I'm not crazy in thinking that those folks were more modern than Black Rock folks. Them being Rousseau's research team sounds like a good guess.

Claire's still around, isn't she? She never "died," just went off with Christian. I think she still has a role to play.

She might not be in Oxford in the "present," though. In the, what, 5 years since Daniel talked to Desmond and Desmond got off the island, there's no reason why she couldn't have moved.

And definitely in my Top 5 episodes.

Who's Charlotte's constant gonna be, anyway?

He's already skipping ahead of us. Skip backwards, Noel, let us catch up!

Were they muskets? Their dress, with their names on their jumpsuits didn't seem to fit the era. But I could be way off base. I could see them being from the Black Rock in that case.

I dunno, they had semi-modern looking weaponry. I don't think they would have been on a 19th century sailing vessel.

I'm jealous. I wish I could watch it again for the first time.

And it's so good that Lost is back. Seriously, I forget how jazzed up I get after an episode. It's like goddamn heroin. Maybe from a Virgin Mary statue.

Oh, and it was sweet hearing Shotgun Willie. And even sweeter when the record skipped.

Yeah, it was effin' great. Dr. (Dave?) Chang's kid is totally Miles.

I love it when Locke gets to be badass like that.

Awesome awesome awesome awesome!
Is Ms. Hawking Daniel's mum? That time chamber was the tits. But she's in LA, not Oxford… but just because she lives in Oxford, it doesn't mean she has to be there.

I love bar trivia, but haven't been since my college days. None of my friends enjoy trivia like I enjoy trivia.