El Zilcho

Well, I think Jaeger is pretty good. Goldschlager, I'm not a fan of, but I'm not much of a cinnamon lover, at least when they go the "spicy" route with the cinnamon.

That sound Dave Chang makes is phenomenal. I'll be sure not to drink Jeppson's Malort, unless John Hodgman gives it to me.

Action Jackson rocks. Craig T. Nelson should be considered one of the great 80s movie villains.

Ah, so it is. Still, it's only from March, I'd still say that The Daily Show and The Colbert Report were sharper then.

Can we put Henry Rollins in there and make it a 5 man fight?

I was too young to be heading to concerts in Nirvana's heyday. Which sucks, cause I woulda loved to see that.

The Offspring were my first concert, in 1995. I think that's why I still kinda like them.

Something's Wrong with that Cover
Did EW forget that The Daily Show and The Colbert Report exist? Hell, didn't they just run a cover a couple weeks ago with Colbert and Stewart on it?

The Hold Steady
They're probably the most consistent band live, at least for me. I've never been let down by a show from them, though I am always stupefyingly drunk.

Yeah, The Decemberists put on an awesome show. When they bring out the giant whale costume during "The Mariner's Revenge Song," it's kickass.

If you want Max Payne to race to the laser gun battle in his hover-Ferarri, press 1. If you want Max Payne to double-check his paperwork, press 2. Enter now.

I'd see a Warcraft film. Especially if they didn't portray the Horde as full-on evil.

How's Tristan Wilds as the love interest?
No intention of seeing this, but I'm always happy to see people from The Wire getting work. Especially when they're as character as great as Michael Lee.

So, that's a change in the plot…
Deskwork? Instead of going undercover for years? And actively looking for his family's killers? That just seems humdrum. Having him work his way up the Valkyr chain and finding out much later that the murder of his family was premeditated and not just the work of a couple of

Ah, that was a great article. So much snark.

There are stock Jeopardy answers, aren't there? I swear, whenever they do "Plays" or "Playwrights," there's almost always a question about Waiting for Godot or at least Samuel Beckett.

Don't you already have a decider in DC? He's not very good at it, but he's there.

That might be my only qualm with the show. They're really hammering the whole "his DEA relative is on his trail!" thing. It'd be better if we just knew the cops were after Walt, rather than have it be family.

Watch Breaking Bad!
It's great. At least once an episode, you'll get a "holy shit, that was awesome!" moment.

They seemed to imply that he used to be able to hear, and then suddenly lost his hearing, which is why he said he "missed music." So he learned to talk when he could hear, I reckon.