
Please do, you will be amazed! The way they managed to navigate to all these tiny islands over huge distances- it boggles the mind. Truly inspiring ancestors.

You are not mistaken at all, the native Hawaiians have a Polynesian culture. Polynesians live in a huge island region from New Zealand to Easter Island to Hawaii. This region also includes Tonga and Samoa. They share many cultural concepts. Amazing explorers and sailors, and how cool that your grandfather told you

Why would the actor have to be Hawaiian? This story seems set in a Mythical Polynesian world. Maui appears in several Polynesian cultural legends, and that includes Samoan culture. Dwayne Johnson is of Samoan descent. He is perfect for the role, and it does look great.

This color looks great against tanned skin. This is why coral jewelery has been cherished since antiquity. There are no ugly colors. There are just colors that work better in certain uses and combinations.

I couldn’t agree more. All colors are interesting and beautiful and can be combined in infinite ways. And what is ugly anyway? Ugly is just a word we use for something that makes us uncomfortable because it does not fit our expectations. I would rather have ugly any day than uninspired...

For the opening of the Channel Tunnel they did exactly that. A train from each side, some important people, and a ribbon. And the builders and workers standing around in the background.

They are stunning birds but horny. I was acquainted to one golden pheasant who had been put under a chicken as an egg and was subsequently raised as a chicken. As an adult, he would tirelessly court hens- hour after hour, always refused, of course. Meanwhile there were female golden pheasants around, but he had no

Thank you for posting this

Any word on how much tea aboard?

Well there was that woman who shot Andy Warhol. But yeah, that shit is rare. This shit is depressingly common...

A 100 times this. Glad you found a good place, I’m still looking. Could tell you a few things about being a woman on her own trying to buy a car. But let’s not go there. Why are you in the greys by the way?

As Muslims are forbidden from making statues, I would say none.

me too! Coped rather well too, actually.

Another thing I have heard (and I’m from the Netherlands) that is says in the bible that giving birth in pains is a woman’s punishment for the whole screw-up with the snake and the apple in Paradise. It’s something from the Calvinist religious circles... I’ve heard my own sister quote a version of that as a reason for

I’m from the Netherlands, and my sister delivered both her children in her own home. She never really considered a hospital delivery, as there was no medical reason.

Wrote my end thesis about Louis Kahn. His buildings where all about light. Wonderful and underrated architect.

I wouldn’t call that brutalist. Brutalism is about unfinished concrete being used as the primary material. This building seems to be glass and what looks like wood cladding. It’s certainly modernist, and nicely so.

Wow, that got ugly quick. It’s good to see that architecture still inspires passion in people, though!

I’m quite partial to the auditorium of the university of Delft. (known as Building 20) There are good and creative examples of brutalism- but they are rare. Most weren’t great to begin with, and they tend to age poorly. But this particular spaceship of a building looks great and is under no threat.

Also left a hospital AMA once. Had been in coma for 3 days after a sleeping pill overdose...Anyway, hindsight, I really should have stayed. Listening to your doctor’s advice is kind of a good idea, most of the time?