
Well there was that woman who shot Andy Warhol. But yeah, that shit is rare. This shit is depressingly common...

A 100 times this. Glad you found a good place, I’m still looking. Could tell you a few things about being a woman on her own trying to buy a car. But let’s not go there. Why are you in the greys by the way?

As Muslims are forbidden from making statues, I would say none.

me too! Coped rather well too, actually.

Another thing I have heard (and I’m from the Netherlands) that is says in the bible that giving birth in pains is a woman’s punishment for the whole screw-up with the snake and the apple in Paradise. It’s something from the Calvinist religious circles... I’ve heard my own sister quote a version of that as a reason for

I’m from the Netherlands, and my sister delivered both her children in her own home. She never really considered a hospital delivery, as there was no medical reason.

Also left a hospital AMA once. Had been in coma for 3 days after a sleeping pill overdose...Anyway, hindsight, I really should have stayed. Listening to your doctor’s advice is kind of a good idea, most of the time?

it’s religion- it does not have to make sense. The stories I’m reading here break my heart...

Were they in any way of Dutch descent? We’re kind of crazy about naming babies after grandparents. My gran insisted on it, which is why all her 5 children have a daughter called Barbara Elisabeth... And on the other side of the family we have an unbroken line of Johanna Maria’s that go back at least 6 generations.

this asks for the “Why not both”girl.

May he always have a zit on his nose, may his shoelaces always become untied, may he sneeze once every day at noon exactly. May everyone who meets him see exactly what kind of person he is.

why is this stalker not in jail?

You’re probably just being sarcastic here but this Angel woman shows all the obsessive and deluded behaviour of a classic stalker. It’s not something to encourage...

This is classic stalking behaviour. Why is this Barta woman not being called out for this? Deeply obsessive, and apparently delusional. A dangerous combination.

Ah, the deluded woman is still at it.

The only thing that really amazes me about this is that Second Life still exists?!

April fools, but I think it’s a great idea actually. Have a nice day!

I would normally say yes, go to Antwerp, but I cycled around town today and the place is not its usual lively self. Maybe because they told the entire Belgian population to stay indoors. Now, that seems excessive and there were indeed plenty of people in the streets, but not as many as usual.

Well, you could go to the beach. Used to live in the Hague, was really glad to leave actually, kind of a boring city... Live in Antwerp now, much livelier! Though maybe not today...

Monaco is surrounded by the south of France but it is an independent nation.