
I've got Asperger's and I have been able to learn all the basics, including "don't jump on people's backs without permission". Having Asperger's does not stop a person from knowing right from wrong. Having limited social skills is no excuse for crime.

the "Spoonula" has been known in Dutch cuisine as "pannenlikker"(pan licker) since the 1940's, and it is a very useful for getting the very last bits out of jars and mixing bowls. Use this if you are cheap and proud of it like a proper Dutch person, but whatever you do do not pay $9.95 for it, that's ridiculous!

I would certainly hope so!

You don't read the Daily Mail enough ;)

I swear Britain is turning into the Florida of Europe.

It's unfortunately a common thing in Europe, and while it is a frowned upon practice, it is always best to ask first. But then again, in most European countries, you are not expected to tip (much).

Gosh, that reminds me of when I was in Luxor, Egypt. The touts wouldn't leave you alone and it was terrifying. Good for Kate for speaking out.

This is certainly true for Western Europe. Very few proper Mexican people here, and even fewer acceptable Mexican restaurants. It is our loss.

Dr. Oetker, which is a German manufacturer of frozen pizzas, sells a range that includes Turkish, Greek and American (which is at least somewhat explainable) and also the amazing Thai pizza. These are pretty decent, for as far as frozen pizzas are ever decent, anyway.

"The Pro" is strongly in the so awful it is kind of awesome category...

Go for the "Monkey steals the Peach" manoeuvre!

Meet my new car, a Lancia Ypsilon. Nice little city car, and they did them in two-tone versions that I rather liked.

Sorry for replying to myself, but this is just too awesome. Buggieballs. Yes, buggieballs.

I looked this up a bit further, and "wasmotlarve" actually the caterpillar of a small, friendly looking local moth, the greater wax moth.

I actually noticed something that looked like mealworms for sale in my local Carrefour supermarket here in Antwerp, Belgium- neatly packaged and in the meat presentation between veggieburgers and turkey cordon bleus. Seriously considered trying them, they had them in two flavours too. With paprika powder or salt. They

Loved Rush, I thought it deserved more credit than it got. They managed to get their hands on so many of the original cars.

This is actually very risky, with complications leading to potential blindness. As happened to this woman, Shenise Farrell.

As a certified Fat Girl I approve of this!

Well, it's a creamy soup usually made with bacon bits, thick cream or cream cheese, shallots or leek and of course mustard, which should be of the coarse kind. Check out the recipe under the link :)

There's a restaurant in Amsterdam that is completely dark. No light at all, and all your food is served by blind waiters. It's partly an awareness project for visual handicaps, and part a new and very intense way to experience food. Haven't tried it, but I would like to.