
As an inhabitant of Belgium, I recommend this post.

It seems like Amsterdam will soon get a wave of this thanks to "The Fault in our Stars"...

it's those lovely crinkly edges. There should be an award for that!

I would like to give some love to Belgian bicycle cops. Because they are the fittest and best looking people in the force, are always first on the scene, and they will take on anything, including bank robbers (and I've seen them do it!)

He gets of lighter than Titus Clarysse, a man who a local celebrity for dining and dashing in restaurants around Ghent. He never even bothered with the actual dashing, in fact, he simply knew that the local legal system would let him off with a slap on the wrist.

Brilliant comeback, actually, I need to remember that one!

No problem Cara!

I go the "Nothing to save here, I don't have a soul!" route sometimes. This really confuses them.

Hey, I've got Asperger's, and I've got better sense than that :D. And yes, religion is treated as a private matter for the most here in Europe. I think it's all the horrible wars that have been fought in the past, people have learned that is sometimes better not to bring up certain subject matters...

It's an old word for a procession. Nowadays used pretty much only in Flanders. Similar etymology to the Danish word, Om (around) gang (noun form of the verb "gaan". To go).

No, you're not alone, never really cared for it either. Too much oilyness. Here we've got something called matinettes- real chocolate, made thin enough to melt perfectly on a slice of roasted bread. Mmm.

I'm generally a useless liar, but then, nearly all old houses in my town have a hole next to the front door with a small ornate cast iron gate around it that looks like this:

Belgian cops are kind of sweet in my experience. I spent half an hour with two trying to catch an injured crow on a busy street last week. They really went the extra mile to save that bird...

yes, fantastic memories. Kyoto is in my top 5 of best cities, loved the friendly, romantic atmosphere of the place.

I saw one of those being played in Kyoto! That guy was really going for it- there were acrobatics involved! Wonder how the game actually works...

And yes, the Inari shrine is amazing. The torii seem to go on forever; and definitely go off the beaten path if you have the time.

I was there two weeks ago! What a strange and wonderful place. I photographed this poster for this Anime which was plastered on the religious buildings all over the place! I thought this was a bit of an odd thing to see at a major religious site. I can only assume that Shintoists are more comfortable with their

Or Jim Clark's Lotus...

Any fast enough car, on the appropriately named "Flugplatz" (flying place= airport) section of the Nürburgring Nordschleife. Lauda's ferrari 312t2, in this case, just before it tried to kill him...

Been to Liège-Guillemins a few times, and while it looks amazing from the square in front, it looks even better from the pedestrian tunnel below. I swear the concrete internal structure is entirely made from the bowels and bones of a giant prehistoric fish. It looks organic, like something from deep below that Jules