
Yes. In the clip of him above, he's showing contempt not depression. The asymmetrical smile (smirk) at the end of the scene display that.

It's great that Joss wanted the emotional intensity that was shown in 'Unbreakable', but I don't think Samuel Jackson can portray anyone but Samuel Jackson. I think Bruce Willis would have made a fantastic Nick Fury. All the other casting is spot on.

Samsung is now the world's biggest phone manufacturer?

And a Nogg is a wooden cup.

Banana ketchup

mushroom ketchup

I thought it was Robert Bruce Banner.

Levi Johnston is naming his daughter B.J.?!

The is fantastic news!

Hulk was the best surprise. I'm amazed at how well they portrayed him. It's a shame the previous Hulk movies didn't have this Hulk's feel. It's also a shame that Marvel has no plans to make another solo Hulk movie. I think Joss would knock it out of the park, if given the opportunity.

Thanks for keeping his memory alive, Mr. Rose.

There is a wonderful video on youtube with Neil degaus Tyson and Stephen Colbert. Tyson does a great job explaining how we own many of our modern conveniences to scientist from the 1920's, like Hubble. Meaning yes, this is above me now, but in the future I will reap some benefit from their genius.

Prime numbers are an infinite set, but do not include every possible number. ...maybe I don't understand your point.

I've noticed that Walter often keeps his mouth open a little (mouth breather?) and Walternate keeps his shut, when not talking.

That's awesome.

I'm sure it's been mentioned, with good reason, a stock CRX.

Those pieces of crap got recalled so many times it was a joke. It's amazing any made it out of the 90's.

I love the "both John Nobles" part. I had to rewind and see the exchange between the two Walters a second time. I'm so impressed that one actor can convey two characters to a degree where you can visibly tell them apart from facial expressions.

Totally. Wow, you're good.

When people ask 'Why are you single?', their only intent is to make themselves feel better. It's condensation derived from low self esteem. These people resort to passive insults to boost their ego. It's like someone asking why you smoke or why you don't loose weight. They only want to point out that you're doing