Dear Tom Joslin,
Dear Tom Joslin,
How's the torque steer on the top one?
So is it a light emitting cat or a cat reflecting light?
How does that work at 100 feet deep?
I disagree. Most people over do it. Usually Hollywood southern accents make me cringe, although I can't think of a good example right now.
Good work. That was close.
You get to hear the non-American actors real voices and realize how well they do a Georgia accent.
Rick's hand gets chopped off?! Was that spoiler necessary? Dammit.
I think that's a 20 gauge. Barrel looks too small for 12.
It took me too long to realize one of his partners was Fez from 'That 70's Show".
Space Org flew to Mothra to sell them copies of Dianetics?
That's a terrible game of telephone.
I think this show a 40.5% rate of hypochondria.
"Women had been on placebo for an average of 5.7 years. Moderate or severe withdrawal symptoms were reported by 40.5% of those on placebo"
Thanks for the info/ feedback.
The list of side effects from placebo is pretty scary too.
Agreed. I don't need all five w's answered but a few would be nice. Like 'where'.
They adjusted for lifestyle and dietary risk factors. This was also contained within the study.
Yes, they did take into account other factors in CVD and cancer proclivity. Read the link again. How is it you can quote the study, but be mistaken about the content?