
really hard not to feel like we’re being rick rolled here . . .time to go google this and find out . . . what a wacky tradition if it is true!! :)

what the fuck is this shit here?

It’s weird, the WI thing with brandy

LS swapped 944 would be the way I’d go. There are some kits out there that have been decently developed, and an aluminum block LS won’t mess up the balance- it weighs around the same as the iron block porsche 4 cylinder.
LS kit 1

that car looks very confused

heheheh, torchinsky cracked me up :)


Yeah, heaven forfend that you show some consideration for the people around you rather than the abstract principle of “I paid for a chair that reclines, so I will recline it come hell, high water, or broken kneecaps”.

That’s generally how I roll

Oh, trust me, I noticed.

I’ve seen this tub- I got married at liberace’s house.

Lotta times i’ve got a laptop, iPad, 3ds, and Sony vita in my carry on . . .so now i’ll need 5 trays? 4 for all the gadgets, and one for my shoes/belt/whatnot?

wow, Too Human . . . now THERE’s a game I haven’t thought about in awhile. . .

lard is the best.

on 2nd thought, i’m done tilting at windmills

Hello there, Bryan Cranston, what can the thread do for you today?

ernie grunfeld!

100% with you- kid a is a good album- putting that and Sgt peppers on here is just crazy.

Stompers were the best, I had a ton of those as a kid. Toyota pickup was my favorite.

Vinyl roof is a design quirk I do not miss.