Yeah, yeah. That's all fine and dandy, but I'm going to get back to enjoying my unhealthy ciggies, mind numbing booze, and sex with my girlfriend so I can die happy.
Yeah, yeah. That's all fine and dandy, but I'm going to get back to enjoying my unhealthy ciggies, mind numbing booze, and sex with my girlfriend so I can die happy.
And then you'll die again.
You take that back! I had rented this from my local video store and never returned the countless hours of fun I had with the game. It costs me my membership.
Haha! So much this.
I'm kind of disappointed that they wussed out and left Rocket and Groot out of the first trailer. If you're going to sell it as a over the top action comedy, then sell your most over top characters with it.
Judging by the non comic fans reactions of the Groot and Rocket gif on the internets, they are going to be two…
It's coming out on the PS4 sometime this year.
Oh man I played DKC: Tropical Freeze at gamestop yesterday and I was blown away. That game is going to fly off the shelves. Sales rep at Gamestop told me he sold out of Wii U's and has been getting a lot of pre-orders for the game.
Leave Kotaku now before it gets ugly in here!!!
God I'm such a fucking nerd I watched this twice.
Bring me Smash Bros's U already!!
These shop contests are usually pretty shitty, but this one is pretty damn good.
Great job guys!!
Well, it is made by ex Naughty Dog developers.
Wow. This game looks gorgeous, and it's made by the devs of the original crash Bandicoot games. This is the first Sonic title I've been excited for in years!
I knowa whattt youi meean likew whyu eveeean havea duscusssion wheenz you trayin to jerkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk./,. k/
Cuteness overload...must become hoarder of Japanese dwarf flying squirrels.
*head explodes at the thought
I'm really getting sick of EA's bullshit, and they wonder why they are the most hated company in the world. They are truly the Halliburton of the gaming world.