
No, he’s correct. Telling a computer to do it and then calling it an achievement is no different than telling an AI to make art and then claiming you’re an artist. It may be interesting, but it’s not an achievement to anyone but a small circle of programmers.

That wasn’t sabotage. That was the ps3 being a terribly designed console that relied on a processor that was supposed to do everything but ended up doing nothing well, and was supposed to be so dominant that everything got programmed for it by default and then they had to disable a core right before launch because the

Wasn’t it revealed at one point that Apple deliberately gimped iTunes on Windows? Requiring restarts for updates that weren’t actually necessary or something like that? Thought I read that a few years ago.

Sure. On the other hand, Microsoft is the third largest company in the world. They lead Sony in market cap by 18:1.

No, fearmongering isn’t  “doing due diligence for shareholders.”

Are you referring to the fact that Starfield isn’t going to be on Sony systems? Its a brand new IP and wasn’t near release when they changed their minds about it appearing on the PS4/5. Mostly everything else they’ve acquired they’ve continued to support on Sony systems, specifically the most sold game of all time

This is so fucking ridiculous. They say shit like that, but they were perfectly fine with CoD having an entire mode exclusive to PS4 a few years back.

Oh, yeah, Xbox did plenty of anti-competitive and anti-consumer bullshit during the 360 gen. Regulators should have stepped in back then too. Either they didn’t know or they didn’t care.

It’s extra laughable because Sony has spent millions making sure the Xbox and PC versions of CoD (and other multiplatform games) were inferior due to missing features and content included with the PS versions. Right now PS+ members get exclusives skins for CoD: Warzone.

It’s not disingenuous to play the good guy when you are by a country fucking mile the most consumer friendly entity in the games industry.

Paid MP was not the standard, hell it still isn’t. it wasn’t till the switch that Nintendo actually really did paid online play. (they dabbled on the Wii with some games having a fee to play online but those were rare) and Sony along with PC still have free MP.

You keep bringing up Starfield but the reality is that is

As if Call of Duty hasn’t been a buggy mess on all platforms since...well as long as I can remember. Almost every season a weapon, or a map, or a mode, or something utterly breaks and has to be removed or changed drastically (much like what’s going on with Destiny 2 right now...)

Microsoft always charged for online and has been WAY more reliable than Sony’s offerings. Not only that they made a lot of the online free the last year (F2P games for instance)

There’s also the reality that if you have a modern tv you can actually play any microsoft 1st party title with your PS5 controller by using

Did Microsoft dump doom eternal on PS4 after buyng Bethesda? No, instead they released a PS5 upgrade for free and continued supporting it, including the Haptic triggers. Did Death Loop and Ghostwire Tokyo release in buggy/unfinished condition? No they released them to solid reviews. The fact is Microsoft already has a

They are a company saying whatever they can to get regulators on their side aka doing their due diligence for shareholders. To do anything else would be weird.

Sony is insufferable. They lead Xbox in marketshare 2:1 or better in almost every market except the US. Hell, it’s more than 95:5 in Japan. They’re just being pissy about a game that has already been guaranteed to be on their platform for more than a decade into the future. All this does is make them look weak,

NFTs literally offer nothing of value. The technology is beyond worthless; it’s actively harmful. There is nothing - nothing - that you can do with NFTs that can’t be done better with other, less destructive, less wasteful technologies.

Why would you want an incorrect view on stuff sometimes? Do you also think people who claim the earth is flat should get represented on CNN?
Claiming NFTs are something different than reported without specifying what that is or how they are contributing to the world only gives your statement less credibility.
If you

You said the same thing twice now. Without actually saying anything but, “What about the other side?!”

And you’ve been answered repeatedly.

“There is no other side.”

Since you cannot even provide another side yourself, I suggest you take the L and see how much you can get for a link to it.

That's because sometimes there aren't two sides to a story. In this case NFT's are a scam and printing stories that suggests they aren't is doing a disservice to the people reading the story.