
They’re an inefficient receipt, idiot.

There’s literally not a single thing they “bring to the table” that wasn’t already done more efficiently and, honestly just as “securely” and “decentralized” as an emailed receipt.

If we get a new or remake of Anachronox, I think I’d faint.

And then the remasters 5 years from now

Rofl. You know what? That kinda logic wouldn't shock me as being influential 

You’re forgetting that right wing cancel culture often comes with physical abuse for stepping out of line, fines and penalties. 

He’s an idiot.

Did that for the second Ninja Turtles movie reboot... The seats thankfully had a motion level adjustment- my brother and I both turned it down fairly quickly as it was a bit nausea inducing.

Cinemark club member ftw. 9$ per month- and I got 3 tickets for exactly 0 extra :-)
Realized that even 1 ticket with the not having to deal with the 2-3$ per ticket online fees & 20% off on grabbing a drink more then pays for the cost of the sub each month.

Especially since Russia’s “Open paths” for civilian evacuation from Ukraine were: Directly to Russia or Bellyrusk (intentional misspelling), or they literally mined them with anti-personnel mines. Putin is one of the biggest dirt bags in recent history. If not the ‘crown holder’.

I’m 40 now. Never had a cavity. I rinse after brushing- main thing I do that many/most others don’t - is scrape and brush my tongue each morning. 

I am not exactly ‘excited’ about needing to rotate crops in game.. Though the villagers actually ‘living their lives’ bit could be interesting.

Tell that to the Ukraine right now..

I picked up a 22 Bolt a week or two before the recall. Love the car- but hate how GM has handled the situation.

You need more stars on this. Gamer entitlement is getting out of hand. 

Agreed 100%. It's freaking pathetic

As a PoC- I say F that. Disbanding a group of friends who happened to get stupidly popular just to appease that kind of ignorant clickbait cancel culture bs mindset is garbage- and you damn well know it. 

A lot of us get it just fine. I'm not white- and I find the whole authors basic stance flipping deplorable. It is just a game. It's not their fault they got immensely popular- and they shouldn't have to change the cast to appear narrow minded toxic asshats.

Yes but to listen uninterrupted without keeping it actively on the page requires a subscription..

If you're that inept in working industry standard hardware, then you've successfully failed upward. Good job.