Mike, thanks for posting this. Been on a depression spiral a bit, questioning whether my art is worth sticking with. At least for this morning, the song pushed me into an upward orbit a bit.
Mike, thanks for posting this. Been on a depression spiral a bit, questioning whether my art is worth sticking with. At least for this morning, the song pushed me into an upward orbit a bit.
I wonder if someday, this kind of behavior will be used to profile serial killers... ;-)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
EXCELLENT!! Love quality turn based RPG’s.
Ecstatic to see the genre re-expanding after a decade or so of it being neglected.
It’s pretty easy to access porn on ios. Yay for the internet.
They still pay better then most any game studio, and actually give profit sharing to their employees. Unlike any other AAA studio.
... and?
Every game is eventually stopped when it comes to physical sales, and sometimes digital. It often doesn’t make sense. Nintendo just made the date public.
All the companies do it. People are just bitching because Nintendo stated a firm end date, instead of the mystery end date we'd normally get.
That deserves all the stars :-) Well played
I have all of the systems. Even as a struggling, indie artist- I make enough when being smart with my money for a nice house, decent car and to have all of the consoles- including the XSX and PS5.
The exclusives are seriously- when you take the jaded hype glasses off- not huge deals on either side. Horizon was VERY…
I think most of the PS fanboi’s have the hardware equivalent of stockholm syndrome at this point.
I have all of the consoles- but like you said, I rarely, rarely turn on the playstation. I’ll beat whatever exclusive I decided interested me (see- FF7), then go back to Xbox and PC.
I’ve used Playstation’s services…
Except there’s a LOT of quality of life features that work a metric Fton better on XSX then PS5. Sony just doesn’t give a flying fart about the customers... MS does.
Can’t help but think a torture apologist will fit right in with Activision/Blizzard’s management.
and the thingiverse link to my modified mask: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4669995?fbclid=IwAR0R1ef93UwpGhtLvb7GlYSDMRwAxJpD_QCs8pBQ_izwO0v2Pr7MRgHcelE
Done :-)
The aging wash was a dark brown, made with floor polish and dark brown hobby paint.
The orange/ red outer of the eyes was more finger blending and some dry brushing to transition the yellow better.
After that, it was a layer of black spray paint, and a few hours of letting it dry, followed by painting the entirety the deep purple color.
I started off with a model on thingiverse, then cut out the mouth holes, and sword gap.