Exactly. The luxurious version.
Exactly. The luxurious version.
Isn't NJOY the company making sex toys? Damn, did I expect a totally different ad..
It's probably spec or for the internets..
If they are in any way interested in staying around for a bit, then yes. Simple economics. What we have here is a short-sighted, self-sabotaging act of greed. Then there's 'irrational' things like compassion, ethics and moral. The things that supposedly separate and render us superior to animals...
The concept of for-profit health care just does not make any sense whatsoever. And there's multiple proven track records of universal healthcare by the govt that work. Empirical data and success stories over an abstract concept, please. Especially when it's about people's health.
Can I get some of what you smoked?
It's like they have to come out of hiding..
Exactly. Take the power away from corporations to fuck over their employees..
You don't make much sense. The libertarian thing, I mean..
I think so too..
Short term yes. But what good is a job that doesn't cover your living costs? The government (we taxpayers) covering the bill for private profits to be made? Something's off there...
Fuck you Juicy Couture. You're doing business wrong.
Then I'm sorry that you had the bad luck to find the ones that lack in the sexual skill-education department.. I sure hope it's all way better now. Enjoy the day.
Might have to do with being in their 20s... I don't feel challenged at all, just wanted to put a voice against the condemnation of hung types and their alleged lack of skills on here.
I'm not offended, at all. But yes, communication helps us all (men, women, etc) get better at sex. It goes both ways, though. Ladies aren't by default magic orgasm-inducing beings, there's a skill to that as well.
Don't throw us all in the same pot. Maybe your empirical study is flawed?
As a man I kind of disagree with the idea that we're simple minded when it comes to sex...
ESL, but thanks for correcting.