The pardon power is absolute. Short story: IT’S OVER
The pardon power is absolute. Short story: IT’S OVER
LIBerals exist on double standards
Obama was real, and the damage he did was real. So deal with it. As far as the laws go, Arpaio violated not a law, but a court order. There is a huge difference. Plus he was denied a jury trial. Arpaio was a victim of abuse of power.
America lost for 8 years under Obama, the most antiAmerican president in history.
I don’t do revisionist history.
Calling people Nazis is a sign of liberal desperation and frustration. Historical fact is that Nazis were left wing socialist authoritarian thugs, which has no base in the Trump Adm.
OMG!!! Obama was the king of Friday holiday weekend news dumps!! Why can’t you be aware of the truth and history?
Your weekend is ruined b/c an 85 year old man was being subjected to a witch hunt because he violated a court order imposed by a single judge?
Obama dumped stuff on Fridays on holidays ALL THE TIME
Ben Jealous is a leftist
Charles Barkley is not a Democrat, so you hate him. He doesn’t play the identity politics game..
I don’t get it.
When Obama was Pres if you criticized him you were being racist
Trump is a hard worker who turned a million bucks into billions. He did graduate from Penn. it’s a fantastic school. If he didn’t pay them it was because they did not fulfill their contracts. This is all documented
Your post is indicative of liberalism being a mental disorder. His post explained how Trump allowed EVERYONE to join his club, didn’t matter what race or religion they were and you still managed to find fault with it and spew hate.
Your paraphrases are mildly to grossly dishonest.
Biden... the icing on Obama’s fail cake.
The blacks are the wealthiest musicians now. They went from fighting The Man to BEING The Man.