
Sometimes? There's waaay better drunk food options in every city in the country

Booze, benzos, and barbiturates are the three drugs that you really need medical supervision for withdrawal. You can lock yourself in a cabin and quit opiates cold turkey, but the chemical composition of those three drugs and their effects make it so that trying to quit all at once can seriously fuck you up.

5 seconds of scrolling brought me to a comment that called Gawker Media "an array of increasingly terrible websites that deserve to be destroyed," but sure, I'm attacking strawmen. Gawker's argument was that Hogan knew of the sex tape, was willing to talk about it to TMZ and other sites for publicity, and only freaked

If I remember correctly, there were several tapes; some just had Hogan fucking but one tape had him talking to Bubba and his wife and using the n-word. Hogan didn't freak out until he thought the racial slurs stuff was gonna become public.

Kinda feel like everybody arguing that Gawker was garbage and deserved what it got is making the movie's point for it. Were they an unsympathetic target? Yeah, but that's why they were chosen. As several good articles about the case have pointed out, Hogan almost certainly knew about the tape and was more concerned

The correct answer is Odessey and Oracle

I love both of these artists but anyone paying full price to see Lauryn Hill in 2017 knows good and well what they're signing up for.

Yeah, it's up to like 30 pesos for a bottle now but everybody still keeps a few empty bottles on a shelf for when they need to make a late-night run

No mention of caguamas? The name literally means turtle, but it's a 1.2 liter glass bottle of beer that you'll see everywhere at Mexican parties and cookouts.

This was a pretty inoffensively decent big summer blockbuster, but man, they call Sparrow a washed-up drunk so many times I started to wonder if the screenwriters had it out for Depp. Intentional or no, it gave the first third a meta humor that I appreciated.

I think there should be another wave coming soon, otherwise what's the point of making all that money? Half a billion doesn't mean much if you just turn it into dividends instead of investing in new development.

The microtransactions alone have made over HALF A BILLION DOLLARS. Part of me hopes Rockstar holds off on making a new GTA for a few more years and funnels some of that money into other IPs.

EPO (the really sophisticated Lance Armstrong shit) didn't come around until the late '80s I think, but blood doping was definitely a thing in the mid-'80s and testosterone and amphetamines have been around forever.

Goddamn, this looks great. Calling that cast star-studded is an understatement and the peak doping days of the Tour de France were wild enough that it's almost hard to exaggerate– I read "The Secret Race: Inside the Hidden World of the Tour de France" a while back and some of the stories in it are absolutely insane.

I'm about to put on an XL polo and white Air Forces to get in the right frame of mind to appreciate this.

This is my stance– the original's one of my favorite movies and I absolutely understand somebody not watching this on principle, but the creative team behind it is so good I'm willing to put my doubts aside and give this a try. The trailers have me confident that at the very least this is gonna be gorgeous and worth

Blade Runner/Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is the best example I can think of for using different mediums to tell the same story well. The animals/religion stuff is explored a lot more in-depth in the novel, but the movie uses visuals to provide that kind of worldbuilding.