Rinake Snazzlebach

Given that like every 4th article is about him, I think we’re kind of feeding into it.

I like the way NDT’s Cosmos theorized black holes—there could be entire universes within them, operating with their own rules of physics. Implying, of course, we could be in one and not know it. Mind, blown.

They may have paid attention, they haven’t figured out the one lesson they should know by now.

As a serious fan since 1980, I have not. Maybe those three extra years were enough to burn you out and I’m just not there yet. Ha!

Congrats America, we have made politics into such a shit flinging contest that no one with a moral compass or brain wants to run for the highest public office leaving us with these two.

Ben Affleck: “Yeah, Zack Snyder really wanted me to understand Bruce Wayne on a personal level. So one day, I walk onto set and... this was really funny... he had invited my parents down to do a set visit. They toured the set a little bit, met with the rest of the cast, and Snyder showed them some of the dailies that

I would pay to see all three films done up in this - sure the tone would be off-putting against the effects at times but I still think it’d be awesome.

Fuck that guy. Seriously.

I appreciate the well reasoned, extended metaphor, but all I got out of it was a strong hankering for cookies.

I’ve never heard someone refer to feces as “noodles”, but that works too.

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.

Sadly, everyone thinks my adventures of Sans Holo are plagiaristic and derivative.

i kind of miss Charlie Jane’s writings on a regular basis.

If I became a multi-billionaire off of a character I help create from a carpenter, a broken mauser pistol, and an old western vest, and then somebody made masterful comic art from it, I'd buy every page too.

Breakfast Club is basically just a series of origin stories, though.

That would be too Marvel for DC/WB.

“Proper setup” doesn’t just mean an origin story, it means well-rounded characterization so we can understand their motives, emotions, thoughts, etc. This leads to more natural character interactions, rather than having a character just react to whatever action is happening (sometimes in an illogical way). GotG did