mr deltoid

People are bloody ignorant apes.

Is there such a big age difference? How old is Gendry supposed to be?

Physical attraction (or lack thereof) is a fact of life. I know plenty of people I like and have things in common with but wouldn’t want to have sex with.

“Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun,
Kiss the girls and make them One.
Boys at 0ne with girls at peace;
Orgy-porgy gives release.”

These people are fucking ghouls, who care more about their money than the welfare of their country.

I didn’t get that far—even worse!

I think Arya will be what she wants, and nobody will say anything.

He could play the game about as good as anyone else....

What policies does he advocate that younger, better candidates haven’t adopted?

And he even lied about that.

Women should lead....


<I>No way! My eyes have had that “itchy, feels like something foreign is in them” feeling for a day or so.</I>

Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen.” —George Savile

See Lieberman, Joe.

“Prror young kid” at 33? Hitler was 34 when he tried to pull off the Beer Hall Putsch.

You’re saying this about one the the most famous, most adored and richest performers on the planet.

Since a jungle gym is mostly negative space, shitting all over one would require serious dedication.

Not Somalia, not China, not Paraguay, not Nazi Germany. Not 1345, not 1850, not 1940.

Technically, Catelyn slit, not gored, Frey’s wife’s throat. But carry on.