I at first wondered why they didn’t use attack helicopters, tanks and armed drones.... but then remembered this is a future science-fiction world where major corporations probably aren’t allowed that kind of military hardware.
I at first wondered why they didn’t use attack helicopters, tanks and armed drones.... but then remembered this is a future science-fiction world where major corporations probably aren’t allowed that kind of military hardware.
It’s known as the “uncanny valley.”
To everyone doubting the responsibility level of flight attendants...
Black Americans have it worst, but cases like this point out that anyone who looks or acts different is suspect in America—and not only suspect, but a potential target for police harassment.
No, go with it. Life is a LOT more enjoyable when you’re not having to worry about relationships or sex.
I grew up in ‘60s-’70s Texas, and everyone learned “Treat every gun as if it were loaded” and “Don’t point a gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot.”
Absolutely right. Why didn’t those crybaby Pilgrims just tough it out in England?
Do we really care if Eva Braun or Nadezhda Alliluyeva (Mrs. Stalin) were secretly miserable? The point is, they supported and participated in evil.
Our self-serving, cowardly press, terrified of losing their access and “insider” status, won’t turn on her till it’s obvious that Trump is on the way out and there’s nothing to lose from offending this administration. When she starts really being held to account, then it’ll be clear that the end is near.
This doesn’t look like anything to me.
Hey hey hey.
Except that, if we take the show at face value, Walt really was a genius, and not only in his own mind. He contributed to work that resulted in a Nobel Prize. He helped found and named a massively successful company. And he produced the best damn methamphetamine on the planet while outsmarting anyone who came up…
If that’s the case, it allows Cohen to, in effect, “flip” without actually flipping and testifying against Trump
If you discovered that the cardiac surgeon who saved your life with a transplant was a serial rapist, would you feel ethically compelled to return the heart?
As usual, two standards of justice for the rich and poor.
Donald Trump apparently has had lots of sex with people, and that’s constantly frowned upon here.
Good idea. I also wondered is Bernard might be the package.
Just like Soylent Green!
When you go to a restaurant, you use forks and spoons that have been in other peoples mouths. Like those, I assume the sexbots were cleaned, too.