
Yeah she wants that sweet sweet rape money! Police Always believe women. It’s not like there’s been case after case of men not being charged or sentenced to a slap on the wrist and the town punishing the victim or anything. Just lots of sweet sweet rape money.

You absolutely can’t relate and don’t understand.

If you’re asking in good faith I’ll give an answer, albeit a short one.

I mean, are they deliberately hiring sexual predators? I feel like it’s a requirement for being any man on their payroll. And I don’t care if she was a conservative shill/Trump surrogate, nobody deserves this. I’m so afraid there will be otherwise level-headed people intimating that.

I am genuinely beginning to wonder if there’s a single male employed by that network who has not harassed any of his female coworkers right now.

And see, what could she possibly gain from making this story up? Certainly not any favor with the Trump Administration or conservative media. You’d think that would convince even Fox News viewers to believe her but nope, they’re going to drag her through the mud.

Waaaaay back when my mom worked in an ER, she had one guy come in who had gotten his dick stuck in the zipper of his pants.

I still think most people have no idea what AHS is trying to do, or what it’s supposed to be. This is partly because the show is constantly shifting tone. At its heart though, it’s pure camp (which is why I think it’s funny when people accuse Sarah Paulson of overacting...I mean, that’s what they’re going for). When

As I understand it, the blood vessels that carry blood INTO the penis are closer to the center of the thing, while the blood vessels that carry blood OUT of the penis are closer to the surface. So if you constrict it, you’re cutting off the flow of the vessels allowing blood to LEAVE, but not necessarily cutting off

I try watching a season every other year, and can never finish. I think the paranormal stuff really ends it for me

Did a few involuntary kegels after clicking on that.

One of my childhood friends tried to put his in one of those 90s gel toy things that sort of slipped through your grip (this was 20ish years ago) and it somehow got stuck and wouldn’t just roll off and I distinctly remember seeing him running from the back of his house to the garage where his dad was working, the

it probably fit and then the opening constricted causing massive swelling and the breakage in the spongey tissues leading to that freaky dtraight line across the shaft. this is why metal cock rings terrify me.

Jesus Christ, man! If you’re bored of your hand, either buy a fleshlight or make one at home, and stop trying to make penile insertion a freakin’ death sport.

so far he seems way more fond of chaos and fear in general than in supporting the actual POTUS.

I’m actually digging it myself. I find the political commentary surprisingly sharp and coherent. And the premise of Trump’s election affecting someone’s mental/physical health strikes me as frighteningly plausible. A good friend was stricken with hives we’re pretty sure were the Trump Lumps.

I don’t care if it was obvious or not, but I can’t remember the last time I was so completely blindsided (gobsmacked?) by a season finale. Really, just extraordinary work from Schur.

Every year, American Horror Story reveals an intriguing new premise, builds anticipation with stylish teasers, and then collapses utterly once the story can no longer survive on posturing alone. Still, there is always a brief window between the first unveiling of the theme and maybe the second episode of the season

Harry Pottery Barn.