
yes he said plotzed. What is wrong with a Jewish village?

cod pieces?

or Xanax

or violet and the russian guy

I know I was smiling like an idiot all teary eyed


What about the one where Mark Green is laying dying in Hawaii

I doubt she can read

but what about the black band singer guy??

Mary: Lets all go to lunch (sneer) even you Edith

and she will marry carson and go to the beach

I like the cut of your jib

they kept showing her nursing psycho path Hugo and the kid is like 5

the greek parents are kind of fun. I think they should all drink Ouzo and slap it all out. Kind needed a slap

I have had to put so sleep three dogs in the last four years due to being elderly and having heart or kidney failure. Lord Grantham is a big coward

me too and it was in the Jungle

really you have to use MF on a show review sight? gross

read all the books so liked this series

I really liked it

there should be a trumpet playing wah wah wah wah whenever she comes on a scene and then it should start pouring