That doesn’t fit the narrative or the eye catching headline. I am shocked your comment hasn’t been delete, luckily there’s still time.
That doesn’t fit the narrative or the eye catching headline. I am shocked your comment hasn’t been delete, luckily there’s still time.
“... Foster had allegedly threatened to leave the production if Rudin stepped down.”
Yep. And fuck “grow and change.” I personally don’t care if this fucker stays as small and miserable as he is now until the day he dies, as long as he takes a long walk off a short pier and stays in the ocean. Just go away, assholes. You got away with this shit for decades, you’re done now, piss off.
It made me sad that the queen had to sit all by herself. No one to hold her hand. I thought she’d been vaccinated. They had masks on. Of course, she might not have wanted to actually sit with the cast of characters that are her children and grands.
Dude’s core taste is about as interesting as a flat, featureless pebble. For such a rich, gifted athlete, he sure has the preferences of a Coors Light. What’s his favorite sandwich, ham and cheese? Vanilla ice cream? Saltine crackers over Cheezits or Ruffles all-dressed? Age up, bro.
Man, I can’t even CONCEIVE of cheating on J-Lo in any way whatsoever. There’s a handful of women who are amazing, pillars of their world in our world, who aside from being absolutely gorgeous, are powerhouses of self-confidence and guts and class. J-Lo is right up there with Helen Mirren and Sigourney Weaver (just my…
The fact that Scott Rudin is a violent hot-headed prick is a well known fact, as widely acknowledged as Harvey Weinstein’s serial rape history. Why it’s getting the Hollywood Reporter front page treatment now is interesting. Someone finally decided that non-sexual assault in the workplace is noteworthy. He must not be…
Scott Rudin is an evening shift manager at a cardboard box assembling plant in Cleveland. *Such* an entitled asshole, but he married the VP finance’s daughter, so he’s untouchable.
For what it’s worth I’m American and I don’t take offense. America is a strange country. Any authentic culture we had was wiped out in genocides. What remained refuses to reconcile its past. We’re left in a perpetual state of paralysis, terrified of changing anything after our Constitution was ratified. We brag about…
Mhm. And there are pieces of timber and bricks that are that old and may have found their way into construction work recently, but it doesn’t mean the new buildings are a millennia old. The point is your father doesn’t live in a house that is 1200 years old because there are no houses that old that have been constantly…
1200 years old house? Damn, hope the plumbing’s working. Also hope you aren’t as prone to exaggeration in every aspect of your life.
I think it’s a theme thing this week? I guess their show is going off the air so we’re getting all these Kardashian articles? Although in the past when it’s like Titanic Week, or 90s Week the articles usually have a logo or a tag. But yeah, I hope tomorrow is the last day of this crap. Even if I was stupid enough to…
... and from my old person POV, it seems like being famous in some way is the desired career path for a large swath of the younger generation. Just need to come up with a TikTok idea that sticks and BOOM! here comes Hollywood offering you a 5-year reality show deal!
So far your idea is better than any of the embarrassing PR stunts the Palace keeps orchestrating.
Wasn’t there an Atlantic article about exactly this? Apparently fame is terrible for you in many unexpected ways. They interviewed someone who counsels celebrities, and they said fame can make you really paranoid because people will try to do things like trip you, say you hurt them, and then try to sue you. I already…
The royal family’s publicists are terrible. Did you see Prince Charles ridiculous photo OP ? Also Pedophile Prince Andrew is still living large off the family , yet they are investigating Meghan's "bullying ". The family is so backwards and arrogant
Pete Davidson has gotten court-ordered protection from the woman who broke into his family’s Staten Island home after lying about being his wife.
Here’s the thing: White people feel that if they are good of heart, not overtly discriminatory, and therefore “not racist” they can speak “honestly” about people of color (see Paula Deen). No, you can’t. I’m a white person. I DO NOT KNOW. My duty is to see, witness, speak out and most times just shut the fuck up…
Earl of Dumbarton would have been his courtesy title, but his parents chose not to use it.
Nothing inspires the Lincoln Project like the taste of blood in the water, and Sanders’s resemblance to a bloated, floating, disintegrating shark-bitten whale carcass bodes ill for her.